Section: Dissemination
Popularization and media
The activities related to biofuel and microalgae have generated many articles and broadcasts in the media: “Où en est-on des biocarburants de 2e et 3e générations?”, Le, October 19; “De la flore et du phosphore”, Libération, Novembre 18; “La filière microalgues reprend des couleurs en PACA”, La Tribune, March 19; “Vive le pétrole sur nos côtes”, Le, May 3; “Mettez des microalgues dans votre moteur”, Sciences et avenir No 784 (June).
Aurélie Schmitt, “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’eau, l’énergie et l’environnement” student intern, has developed a Java applet using the AnyLogic software for the simulation of microalgae growth and biological pest control. The aim of the applet is for the general public to understand the goals and difficulties of controlling such systems [63] .
Mélaine Gautier did a presentation at the Centre International de Valbonne for the ”Fête de la Science“ entitled ”Petits jeux des mathématiques pour représenter la vie, la lutte biologique, la croissance des plantes”, October 13.
P. Bernhard has given five conferences in high schools in the framework of the program “Sciences et culture au lycée”:
- 31/01/2012
- 13/03/2012
- 12/04/2012
- 20/11/2012
and one conference to visiting Bahrain students (July 12) at Fondation Sophia Antipolis. He helped several high school pupils with their TIPE and in hosting younger highshool interns. He gave a seminar in Inria's “C@ fé-in” on Game theory (October 22).