Section: Software
Participants : Dragan Amenga-Mbengoué [Bacchus] , Damien Genet [Bacchus] , Maxime Mogé, Francois Pellegrini [Bacchus] , Vincent Perrier [correspondant] , Francois Rué [Bacchus] , Mario Ricchiuto [Bacchus] .
The software AeroSol is jointly developed in the team Bacchus and the team Cagire. It is a high order finite element library written in C++. The code design has been carried for being able to perform efficient computations, with continuous and discontinuous finite elements methods on hybrid and possibly curvilinear meshes. The distribution of the unknowns is made with the software PaMPA, developed within the team Bacchus and the team Pumas. This year, Dragan Amenga-Mbengoué was recruited on the ANR Realfluids, and François Rué (Service Experimentation et Développement) joined the team Bacchus for working on Aerosol.
At the end of 2011, Aerosol had the following features
development environement use of CMake for compilation, CTest for automatic tests and memory checking, lcov and gcov for code coverage reports.
In/Out link with the XML library for handling with parameter files. Reader for GMSH, and writer on the VTK-ASCII legacy format.
Quadrature formula up to 11th order for Lines, Quadrangles, Hexaedra, Pyramids, Prisms, up to 14th order for tetrahedron, up to 21st order for triangles.
Finite elements up to fourth degree for Lagrange finite elements on lines, triangles and quadrangles.
Geometry elementary geometrical functions for first order lines, triangles, quadrangles.
Time iteration explicit Runge-Kutta up to fourth order, explicit Strong Stability Preserving schemes up to third order.
Linear Solvers link with the external linear solver UMFPack.
Memory handling discontinuous and continuous discretizations based on PaMPA for triangular and quadrangular meshes.
Numerical schemes continuous Galerkin method for the Laplace problem (up to fifth order) with non consistent time iteration or with direct matrix inversion. Scalar stabilized residual distribution schemes with explicit Euler time iteration have been implemented for steady problems.
This year, the following features were added
development environement development of a CDash server for collecting the unitary tests and memory checking. Beginning of the development of an interface for functional tests.
General structure Parts of the code were abstracted in order to allow for parallel development: Linear solvers (template type abstraction for generic linear solver external library), Generic integrator classes (integrating on elements, on faces with handling neighbour elements, or for working on Lagrange points of a given element), models (template abstraction for generic hyperbolic systems), equations of state (template-based abstraction for a generic equation of state).
In/Out Parallel GMSH reader, cell and point centered visualization based on VTK-legacy formats. XML paraview files on unstructured meshes (vtu), and parallel XML based files (pvtu).
Finite elements Hierarchichal orthogonal finite element basis on lines, triangles (with Dubiner transform). Finite element basis that are interpolation basis on Gauss-Legendre points for lines, quadrangles, and hexaedra. Lagrange, and Hierarchical orthogonal finite elements basis for hexaedra, prisms and tetrahedra.
Geometry elementary geometrical functions for first order three dimensional shapes: hexaedra, prisms, and tetrahedra.
Time iteration CFL time stepping, optimized CFL time schemes: SSP(2,3) and SSP (3,4)
Linear Solvers Internal solver for diagonal matrices. Link with the external solvers PETSc and MUMPS.
Memory handling parallel degrees of freedom handling for continuous and discontinuous approximations
Numerical schemes Discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic systems. SUPG and Residual Distribution schemes.
Models Perfect gas Euler system, real gas Euler system, scalar advection, Waves equation in first order formulation, generic interface for defining space-time models from space models.
Numerical fluxes centered fluxes, exact Godunov' flux for linear hyperbolic systems, and Lax-Friedrich flux.
Parallel computing Mesh redistribution, computation of Overlap with PaMPA. collective asynchronous communications (PaMPA based). Tests on the cluster Avakas from MCIA, and on Mésocentre de Marseille, and PlaFRIM.