Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Boundary conditions for DNS (6 months of post-doct funded by Conseil régional d'Aquitaine)
Although DNS is mostly used in simplified geometries, issues remain for properly imposing boundary conditions. Indeed, considering for example an inflow boundary condition (BC), a number of variables depending on the subsonic or supersonic nature of the flow must be suitably imposed. As far as the velocity is concerned, it is highly desirable to prescribe boundary conditions with statistics which will match as much as possible those encountered in practice while controlling the reflective nature of the boundary. This can be highly beneficial to drastically reduce the computational domain, thus reducing the computational time. It has to be checked though that the best identified methodology suitable for the continuous problem is still compatible with the methods of resolution adopted to solve the related discrete problem.The long-term objective is to develop, implement and test an efficient method to prescribe boundary conditions for the DNS simulation of a jet in cross-flow. The focus here will be made on the constraints brought about by the compressible and low Mach nature of the flow. Accordingly, the successful low Mach number compressible laminar flow simulation will be considered as the criterion of success of the post-doc. Project: The activity will begin by properly identifying the different sets of physical inlet/outlet physical boundary conditions that are relevant for the low Mach compressible nature of the flow to be simulated; In that framework, a specific analysis of the popular Navier-Stokes characteristic boundary condition (NSCBC) will be carried out in the context of a low Mach number viscous flow. Second, the compatibility of these NSCBC’s with the finite element DG formulation retained in the Aerosol library will be investigated in depth in order to identify any potential incompatibility and the way to overcome it, if necessary. Then, the methodology for combining these BC’s with the various flux schemes and methods of solution of Aerosol will be developed. The programming of the proposed methodology in Aerosol will be carried out in a parallel environment. Then, a set of unitary tests will be defined and progressively addressed. Last, the simulation of a laminar low-Mach jet in cross-flow configuration will be carried out.Yann Moguen has been recruited on November 2012 to take up that post-doct position. The Conseil régional d'Aquitaine 6-month funding is supplemented by funding from the European programme IMPACT-AE so that the total duration of the post-doct will be 12 months.
Low Mach number aspects for DG schemes (18 months of thesis funded by Conseil général des Pyrénées Atlantiques)
In the litterature, the targeted direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a jet in a subsonic crossflow at low Mach number has been carried out by solving the zero Mach number Navier Stokes equations i.e. without acoustics. The reader is referred to the work by Muppidi and Mahesh (2007) or by Bagheri et al. (2009). Such an approach is acceptable since in a real combustion chamber, the Mach number is rarely above 0.3 and as long as thermo-acoustic instabilities are not to be dealt with. However, in the present project, it has been decided to adopt a compressible framework in order to be able to study in the future the interaction of a jet with a crossflow where a standing acoustic wave is present which corresponds to the configuration presently studied in the framework of the EU funded KIAI programme Workpackage 3.1). To the best of our knowledge, no DNS of an inclined turbulent JICF with a DG based compressible flow solver has been carried out so far. So a thesis work breakdown on that topic has been established as follows:
Year 1: Understanding the industrial and contractual context. Asymptotic analysis for small Mach numbers of the continuous problem. Study of the various alternatives for discretization schemes at low Mach number. Establishing the link with schemes adapted for zero Mach number flows. Writing of the corresponding thesis chapter; Writing a communication for an international symposium. Participating in a summer school on numerical simulation.
Year 2: Implementation of the schemes which exhibit a satisfactory asymptotic behavior at low mach number. Carrying out a DNS of an isothermal single jet in cross flow configuration with and without yaw angle in the framework of the IMPACT-AE programme. Analysis of the results, comparison with existing experimental data available in the team. Writing of the corresponding thesis chapter. Writing and submission of a journal paper.
Year 3: Improvement of the schemes if necessary. Carrying out the DNS of a cold jet in a hot crossflow configuration with and without yaw angle in the framework of the IMPACT-AE programme. Analysis of the results. Writing of the corresponding thesis chapter. Thesis defense.
Thus a thesis proposal has been established and submitted to the Conseil Général des Pyrénées Atlantiques who agreed to fund 18 months of this thesis. The remaining 18 months will be funded through the European programme IMPACT-AE. The recruitment procedure was launched in June 2012 for a provisional starting date in January 2013.