Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

GIS Success

Participants : Vincent Perrier, Pascal Bruel.

We are presently participating in the CNRS GIS (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique) which is provisionally called "Super-calcul en Combustion et en Mécanique des Fluides dans les Géométries Complexes" and is led by CORIA. A license agreement has been signed with CORIA to permit the installation of the code Yales 2. This installation has been completed on the LMA cluster by the end of december 2012 and the first test will begin in january 2013 in the framework of our benchmarking activity.


Participants : Dragan Amenga-Mbengoué [Bacchus] , Damien Genet [Bacchus] , Emeric Martin [ONERA] , Maxime Mogé, Vincent Perrier, Floren Renac [ONERA] , Francois Rué [Bacchus] , Mario Ricchiuto [Bacchus] .

Jointly with the team Bacchus and with ONERA, we participated to the project Colargol, which aimed at comparing implementations and performances of high order finite elements methods implemented in our library Aerosol, and in the high order discontinuous Galerkin library Aghora developed at ONERA. For making fair comparisons with this library, we had to extend our library to three dimensions, and to finish the first parallel version of the code. Our first conclusions is the necessity of stocking all geometrical terms of the finite elements methods (Jacobian, Jacobian matrices, etc...) for having good performances. We are still running the comparison tests on the Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain.