Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
N. Zemzemi was an Invited speaker in Workshop on Efficient Solvers in Biomedical Applications. July 2-5, 2012 Graz, Austria.
Leading the cardiac challenge group in the 3rd VPH NoE Study Group. Plenary session on Cardiac modeling challenges (1h) + 4 hours course (cardiac modeling, mathematical methods in cardiac elec- trphysiology, drug modeling and computational tools in cardiac electrophysiology). May 7-11, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
Invitation to give a presentation at the Inria-Bcam workshop, Bilbao, 2012.
LAMSIN Seminar: 6 hours course on cardiac modeling for the EPIC groupe (Équipe Problèmes Inverses et Contrôle), Forward and inverse problem in cardiac electrophysiology. June 18-21, 2012, Tunis, Tunisia.
Partial list of presentations given by the team members (besides the invitations above).