Section: Application Domains
Biological degradation
biodegradation of monuments is due, in part, to the formation of biofilms, namely a colony of bacteria embedded within an extra-cellular matrix. Biofilms can also be used a a protection device against corrosion of well cement in CO2 storage reservoir. More generally the formation of biofilms is a common feature of the behavior of bacteria and has potentially many applications in medical and industrial settings; for instance, the cyanobacteria are seriously considered in order to produce energy as bio-fuel and there are also researches to set up bio-devices to avoid human or plant diseases. We are particularly interested in mathematical models of such phenomena based on arguments coming from mixture theory (thus with a natural connection to the previous item); it leads to a complex multi-dimensional hydrodynamic-type system, with polyphasic features.
Besides, when considering proliferation of micro-algae in a large domain, it is relevant to distinguish two phases : a development one on the sea bed as a biofilm and a spreading one in water which can be described thanks to kinetic equations subject to coagulation-fragmentation dynamics. We wish to derive a complete system, describing the two phases, including the design of coupling interface conditions. This is definitely an interesting and original modeling challenge. We also wish to identify scaling parameters which will allow to bring out hierarchies of reduced models. Of course, the program has to be completed with the conception of the corresponding numerical schemes, so that we will be able to validate, at least on qualitative grounds, our approach, which, in turn, will be decisive to strengthen the collaborations with biologists.
Another question, which is equally related technically to the other problems addressed in the project, is concerned with the analysis and simulation of equations of hyperbolic type in inhomogeneous media, like porous media or networks. This is a direction to improve the existing models in biology and it can give rise in analytical and numerical viewpoints to fruitful exchanges between the biological domain and the environmental one. We are particularly interested in PDEs describing chemotactic behaviors, namely the movement of cells in response to a chemical signal and have potential applications, for example to model the movement of fibroblasts on scaffold