Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Claudia Sagastizabal from IMPA in Rio (2 weeks, November 2012)
Fabio Ancona, from Univ. of Padova (1 week, October 2012)
Roberto Ferretti, from Univ. of Rome II (2 weeks, October 2012)
Antonio Siconolfi, from Univ. of Rome I (2 weeks, June 2012)
Lars Grüne, from Univ. of Bayreuth (1 week, June 2012)
Adam Oberman, from Univ. of Vancouver (2 weeks, May 2012)
Peter Wolenski, from Univ. of Louisiane (3 days, March 2012)
Mohamed Mnif, from ENIT (2 weeks, February 2012)
Visits to International Teams
Olivier Bokanowski visited the Mathematics Department at Brown Univ., for 1 week.
Hasnaa Zidani visited the Mathematics Department at Univ. of Rome 1- La sapienza, for 1 week.
Olivier Bokanowski visited the Mathematical institute (Oxford), for 1 week.