Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits to International Teams (at least one month)
Paul Feautrier has been invited to spend the month of June 2012 at Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins, CO, USA, in prof. Sanjay Rajopadhye's team. The work reported in Section 6.2 and accepted at PPoPP'13 [13] was initiated during this stay. Sanjay Rajopadhye and Tomofumi Yuki, both from CSU, have spent a few days in Paris and Lyon in December 2012. During this visit, we have initiated a sequel to this work, which will handle other parallel features of X10.
Informal Collaborations and Short-Term Visitors
Shorter visits (but at least a week) include exchanges (in both directions) with the groups of S. Rajopadhye (Colorado State University), of P. Sadayappan (Ohio State University), of J. Ramanujam (Louisiana State University), of L.-N. Pouchet (UCLA), all related directly or indirectly to polyhedral code optimizations.
Compsys has also regular contacts with Sebastian Hack (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany), Benoît Dupont de Dinechin (Kalray, Grenoble), Christophe Guillon (STMicroelectronics), Fernando M. Q. Pereira (Federal University of Mina Gerais, Brazil) on back-end code optimizations.
Among french academic researchers, Compsys is particularly linked with people such as Albert Cohen (Inria Parkas team), Steven Derrien (Inria Cairn team), Alain Ketterlin (Inria Camus team), François Irigoin (Ecole des Mines de Paris).
Finally, taking the opportunity of the HdR defense of Fabrice Rastello [2] and the PhD defense of Quentin Colombet [1] on December 7, 2012, a “compilation day” was organized in Lyon on December 6, including talks by K. Pingali (University of Texas, Austin), E. Altman (IBM Yorktown), and V. Sarkar (Rice University).