

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Christophe Alias is a member of the steering committee of IMPACT (international workshop on polyhedral compilation techniques). Christophe Alias, Alain Darte, and Paul Feautrier were members of the program committee of IMPACT'13, which will be held in conjunction with HiPEAC'13.

  • Laure Gonnord and Fabrice Rastello are the co-animators of the french compilation community, and organized the fifth session in June 2012, in Rennes.

  • Paul Feautrier is an associate editor of International Journal of Parallel Programming and of Prallel Computing. Alain Darte is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

  • Laure Gonnord was a member of the program commitee of TAPAS'12 (Tools for Automatic Program Analysis).

  • In addition to IMPACT'13, Paul Feautrier is a member of the program committee of ParCo'13 (International Parallel Computing Conference). He has reviewed papers for LCTES, DATE and ACM TECS.

  • In addition to IMPACT'13, Alain Darte was a member of the program committees of DATE'13 (Design, Automation, and Test in Europe), LCTES'12 (Languages, Compilers, Tools, and Theory for Embedded Systems), IPDPS'13 (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium). He has reviewed papers for the DATE'13, LCTES'12, EMSOFT'12, CGO'13 conferences and for the following journals: TSI, Parallel Computing, ACM TECS.