Section: Software

High throughput sequence analysis

Participants : Rayan Chikhi, Erwan Drezen, Dominique Lavenier, Claire Lemaitre, Nicolas Maillet, Pierre Peterlongo.

  • PLAST : efficient bank-to-bank alignments PLAST (Parallel Local Alignment Search Tool) is a parallel alignment search tool for comparing large protein banks. PLAST runs 3 to 5 times faster than the NCBI-BLAST software. An improved version is commercialized by the Korilog Company, including the DNA bank-to-bank option. [contact: D. Lavenier] http://www.irisa.fr/symbiose/projects/plast/

  • Compareads : efficient comparison of large metagenomics NGS datasets This software extracts similar DNA sequences (reads) between two metagenomic datasets. It requires a small and fixed amount of memory and can thus be used on huge datasets. [contact: P. Peterlongo] http://alcovna.genouest.org/compareads/