Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Program from Région Bretagne : MIRAGE

Participants : Liviu Ciortuz, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo.

The MIRAGE project is funded by Région Bretagne in the framework of the SAD call (Stratégie Attractivité Durable) which aims at attracting international post-doctorant for one year. The MIRAGE project aims at developping new methods to detect complex variation (structural variations) in non-assembled NGS data. It is funded from Sept. 2012 until August 2013 and coordinated by C. Lemaitre.

Partnership with INRA

Participants : Thomas Derrien, Anaïs Gouin, Fabrice Legeai, François Moreews, Raluca Uricaru.

We have a strong and long term collaboration with biologists of INRA in Rennes : IGEPP and SENAH units. This partnership concerns both service and research activities and is acted by the hosting of two ingineers (F. Legeai, F. Moreews) and by the co-supervision of two post-doctorants and one non permanent engineer. In particular, the collaboration with the IGEPP team includes several research projects in which Genscale is formally a partner : an INRA project PEAPOL including an industrial partner, Biogemma, and an ANR project SPECIAPHID. These projects fund the non-permanent INRA members.