Section: New Results
Models, semantics, and languages
Participants : Pejman Attar, Gérard Berry, Gérard Boudol, Frédéric Boussinot, Ilaria Castellani, Johan Grande, Cyprien Nicolas, Tamara Rezk, Manuel Serrano [correspondant] .
Memory Models
As regards the theory of multithreading, we have extended our operational approach to capture more relaxed memory models than simple write buffering. A step was made in this direction by formalizing the notion of a speculative computation, but this was not fully satisfactory as an operational approach to the theory of memory models: indeed, in the speculative framework one has to reject a posteriori some sequences of executions as invalid. In [13] we have defined a truly operational semantics, by means of an abstract machine, for extremely relaxed memory models like the one of PowerPC. In our new framework, the relaxed abstract machine features a “temporary store” where the memory operations issued by the threads are recorded, in program order. A memory model then specifies the conditions under which a pending operation from this sequence is allowed to be globally performed, possibly out of order. The memory model also involves a “write grain,” accounting for architectures where a thread may read a write that is not yet globally visible. Our model is also flexible enough to account for a form of speculation used in PowerPC machines, namely branch prediction. To experiment with our framework, we found it useful to design and implement a simulator that allows us to exhaustively explore all the possible relaxed behaviors of (simple) programs. The main problem was to tame the combinatory explosion due to the massive non-deterministic interleaving of the relaxed semantics. Introducing several optimizations described in [13] , we were able to run a large number of litmus tests successfully.
Dynamic Synchronous Language with Memory
We have investigated the language DSLM (Dynamic Synchronous Language with Memory), based on the synchronous reactive model. In DSLM, systems are composed of several sites, each of which runs a number of agents. An agent consists of a memory and a script. This script is made of several parallel components which share the agent's memory. A simple form of migration is provided: agents can migrate from one site to another. Since sites have different clocks, a migrating agent resumes execution at the start of the next instant in the destination site. Communication between a migrating agent and the agents of the destination site occurs via (dynamically bound) events. The language uses three kinds of parallelism: 1) synchronous, cooperative and deterministic parallelism among scripts within an agent, 2) synchronous, nondeterministic and confluent parallelism among agents within a site, and 3) asynchronous and nondeterministic parallelism among sites. Communication occurs via both shared memory and events in the first case, and exclusively via events in the other two cases. Scripts may call functions or modules which are handled in a host language. Two properties are assured by DSLM: reactivity of each agent and absence of data-races between agents. Moreover, the language offers a way to benefit from multi-core and multi-processor architectures, by means of the notion of synchronized scheduler which abstractly models a computing resource. Each site may be expanded and contracted dynamically by varying its number of synchronized schedulers. In this way one can model the load-balancing of agents over a site.
A secure extension of the language DSLM, called DSSLM (Dynamic Secure Synchronous Language with Memory), is currently under investigation. This language uses the same deterministic parallel operator for scripts as DSLM. It adds to DSLM a let operator that assigns a security level to the defined variable. Security levels are also assigned to events and sites, to allow information flow control during interactions and migrations. The study of different security properties (both sensitive and insensitive to the passage of the instants) and of type systems ensuring these properties is currently under way.
The jthread library (working name) is a Bigloo library featuring threads and mutexes and most notably a deadlock-free locking primitive. The jthread library appears as an alternative to Bigloo's pthread (POSIX threads) library and relies on it for its implementation.
The locking primitive is the following: (synchronize* ml [:prelock mlp] expr1 expr2 ...) where ml and mlp are lists of mutexes.
This primitive evaluates the expressions that constitute its body after having locked the mutexes in ml and before unlocking them back. The meaning of the prelock argument is to be explained below.
The absence of deadlocks is guaranteed by two complementary mechanisms:
Each mutex belongs to a region defined by the programmer. Regions form a lattice which is inferred at runtime. A thread owning a mutex belonging to region R0 can only lock a mutex belonging to region R1 if R1 is lower than R0 in the lattice. This rule is enforced at runtime and guarantees the absence of deadlocks involving mutexes belonging to different regions.
Under the previous condition, a thread owning a mutex M1 can lock a mutex M2 belonging to the same region only provided that M2 appeared in the prelock list of the synchronize* that locked M1. This rule is enforced at runtime and allows a deadlock-avoiding scheduling of threads based on previous work by Gérard Boudol and on Lamport's Bakery algorithm.
The library has been implemented. It is currently being integrated to Bigloo and benchmarked. It has not been released yet.