Section: New Results
Participants : Ilaria Castellani, Zhengqin Luo, Tamara Rezk [correspondant] , José Santos, Manuel Serrano.
Session types with security
We have pursued our work on integrating security constraints within session types, in collaboration with our colleagues from Torino University. This resulted in the journal paper [8] . This article extends a previous conference paper with full proofs, additional examples and further results. In particular, [8] presents new properties of information-flow security, which is stronger and more compositional (i.e., more robust with respect to parallel composition of processes) than that originally proposed, while being still ensured by the same session type system.
All the work on session types was partially funded by the ANR-08- EMER-010 grant PARTOUT. It is expected to continue within the starting COST Action BETTY.
Mashic Compiler: Mashup Sandboxing Based on Inter-frame Communication
Mashups are a prevailing kind of web applications integrating external gadget APIs often written in the Javascript programming language. Writing secure mashups is a challenging task due to the heterogeneity of existing gadget APIs, the privileges granted to gadgets during mashup executions, and Javascript's highly dynamic environment.
We propose a new compiler, called Mashic, for the automatic generation of secure Javascript-based mashups from existing mashup code. The Mashic compiler can effortlessly be applied to existing mashups based on a wide-range of gadget APIs. It offers security and correctness guarantees. Security is achieved by using the Same Origin Policy. Correctness is ensured in the presence of benign gadgets, that satisfy confidentiality and integrity constraints with regard to the integrator code. The compiler has been successfully applied to real world mashups based on Google maps, Bing maps, YouTube, and Zwibbler APIs.
This work appeared in CSF'12 [14] . See also software section.
A Certified Lightweight Non-Interference Java Bytecode Verifier
We propose a type system to verify the non-interference property in the Java Virtual Machine. We verify the system in the Coq theorem prover. This work will appear in the journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science [6] .