Section: Software


Participants : Viet-Trung Tran, Zhe Li, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé.


Gabriel Antoniu.


BlobSeer is the core software platform for most current projects of the KerData team. It is a data storage service specifically designed to deal with the requirements of large-scale data-intensive distributed applications that abstract data as huge sequences of bytes, called BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects). It provides a versatile versioning interface for manipulating BLOBs that enables reading, writing and appending to them.

BlobSeer offers both scalability and performance with respect to a series of issues typically associated with the data-intensive context: scalable aggregation of storage space from the participating nodes with minimal overhead, ability to store huge data objects, efficient fine-grain access to data subsets, high throughput in spite of heavy access concurrency, as well as fault-tolerance.


Work is currently in progress in several formalized projects (see previous section) to integrate and leverage BlobSeer as a data storage back-end in the reference cloud environments: a) Microsoft Azure; b) the Nimbus cloud toolkit developed at Argonne National Lab (USA); and c) in the OpenNebula IaaS cloud environment developed at UCM (Madrid).




GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3.


This software is available on Inria's forge. Version 1.0 (released late 2010) registered with APP: IDDN.FR.001.310009.000.S.P.000.10700.

A new Technology Research Action (ADT, Action de recherche technologique) has been launched in Septembre 2012 for one year, with a possible 1-year renewal, to robustify the BlobSeer software and and make it a safeky distributable product. This project is funded by Inria Technological Development Office (D2T, Direction du Développement Technologique). Zhe Li has been hired as a senior (PhD) engineer for this task.