Section: Software
Participants : Matthieu Dorier, Gabriel Antoniu.
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- Presentation:
Damaris is a middleware for multicore SMP nodes enabling them to efficiently handle data transfers for storage and visualization. The key idea is to dedicate one or a few cores of each SMP node to the application I/O. It is developed within the framework of a collaboration between KerData and the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing (JLPC). The current version enables efficient asynchronous I/O, hiding all I/O related overheads such as data compression and post-processing. On-going work is targeting fast direct access to the data from running simulations, and efficient I/O scheduling.
- Users:
Damaris has been preliminarily evaluated at NCSA (Urbana-Champaign) with the CM1 tornado simulation code. CM1 is one of the target applications of the Blue Waters supercomputer developed by at NCSA/UIUC (USA), in the framework of the Inria-UIUC-ANL Joint Lab (JLPC). Damaris now has external users, including (to our knowledge) visualization specialists from NCSA and researchers from the France/Brazil Associated research team on Parallel Computing (joint team between Inria/LIG Grenoble and the UFRGS in Brazil). Damaris has been successfully integrated into three large-scale simulations (CM1, OLAM, Nek5000). Works are in progress to evaluate it in the context of several other simulations including HACC (cosmology code) and GTC (fusion).
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- License:
- Status:
This software is available on Inria's forge. Registration with APP is in progress.