Major publications by the team in recent years
1D. Benza, M. Cosnard, L. Liquori, M. Vesin.
Arigatoni: Overlaying Internet via Low Level Network Protocols, in: JVA, John Vincent Atanasoff International Symposium on Modern Computing, IEEE, 2006, p. 82–91. -
2D. Benza, M. Cosnard, L. Liquori, M. Vesin.
Arigatoni: Overlaying Internet via Low Level Network Protocols, Inria, 2006, no 5805. -
3D. Borsetti, C. Casetti, C. Chiasserini, L. Liquori.
Content Discovery in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks, in: Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks: Architectures and Protocols, E. Hossain (editor), Springer-Verlag, 2008, p. 419–441. -
4R. Chand, M. Cosnard, L. Liquori.
Powerful resource discovery for Arigatoni overlay network, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, 2008, vol. 1, no 21, p. 31–38. -
5R. Chand, L. Liquori, M. Cosnard.
Improving Resource Discovery in the Arigatoni Overlay Network, in: ARCS, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2007, vol. 4415, p. 98-111. -
6R. Chand, L. Liquori, M. Cosnard.
Resource Discovery in the Arigatoni Model, in: Proc. of International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Services, IICS, LNI press, 2010, p. 437-449. -
7V. Ciancaglini, G. N. Hoang, L. Liquori.
Towards a Common Architecture to Interconnect Heterogeneous Overlay Networks, in: Proc. of International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Computing and Online Social Networking, HotPost '11, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011, p. 817-822. -
8M. Cosnard, L. Liquori, R. Chand.
Virtual Organizations in Arigatoni, in: DCM, International Workshop on Developpment in Computational Models. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007, vol. 171, no 3. -
9D. Dougherty, L. Liquori.
Logic and computation in a lambda calculus with intersection and union types, in: Proc. of Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasonin, LPAR, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2010. -
10L. Liquori, D. Borsetti, C. Casetti, C. Chiasserini.
An Overlay Architecture for Vehicular Networks, in: IFIP Networking, International Conference on Networking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2008, vol. 4982, p. 60–71. -
11L. Liquori, M. Cosnard.
Logical Networks: Towards Foundations for Programmable Overlay Networks and Overlay Computing Systems, in: TGC, Trustworthy Global Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2007, vol. 4912, p. 90–107. -
12L. Liquori, M. Cosnard.
Weaving Arigatoni with a Graph Topology, in: ADVCOMP, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. -
13L. Liquori, B. Serpette.
iRho: An Imperative Rewriting-calculus, in: MSCS, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2007, vol. 18, no 3, p. 467–500. -
14L. Liquori, A. Spiwack.
FeatherTrait: A Modest Extension of Featherweight Java, in: TOPLAS, ACM Transaction on Programming Languages and Systems, 2007, vol. 30, no 2. -
15L. Liquori, A. Spiwack.
Extending FeatherTrait Java with Interfaces, in: TCS, Theoretical Computer Science, 2008, vol. 398, no 1-3, p. 243–260, Calculi, types and applications: Essays in honour of M. Coppo, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini and S. Ronchi Della Rocca. -
16L. Liquori, C. Tedeschi, F. Bongiovanni.
Babelchord: a social tower of DHT-based overlay networks, in: IEEE, ISCC, 2009, p. 307-312. -
17L. Liquori, C. Tedeschi, L. Vanni, F. Bongiovanni, V. Ciancaglini, B. Marinkovic.
Synapse: A Scalable Protocol for Interconnecting Heterogeneous Overlay Networks, in: Proc. of Networking '10, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2010, p. 67-82.
International Conferences with Proceedings
18V. Ciancaglini, L. Liquori, G. N. Hoang, P. Maksimovic.
An Extension and Cooperation Mechanism for Heterogeneous Overlay Networks, in: Proc. of Future Heterogeneous Network Workshop, Hets-Nets'12, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2012, vol. 7291, p. 10-18. -
19V. Ciancaglini, G. Piro, R. Loti, A. Grieco, L. Liquori.
CCN-TV: a data-centric approach to real-time video services, in: Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA-2013, IEEE Computer Society, 2013, To appear. -
20R. Gaeta, M. Grangetto, R. Loti.
SIEVE: a distributed, accurate, and robust technique to identify malicious nodes in data dissemination on MANET, in: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ICPADS'12, IEEE Computer Society, 2012. -
21F. Honsell, M. Lenisa, L. Liquori, P. Maksimovic, I. Scagnetto.
– A Logical Framework with External Predicates, in: Proc. of International workshop on Logical frameworks and meta-languages, theory and practice, LFMTP 2012, ACM Digital Library, 2012, p. 13-22. -
22T. Nguyen, L. Liquori, B. Martin, K. Hanks.
Towards a Trust and Reputation Framework for Social Web Platforms, in: Proc. of On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2012, vol. 7567, p. 13–22.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
23F. Honsell, M. Lenisa, L. Liquori, P. Maksimović, I. Scagnetto.
An Open Logical Framework, in: Special issue in Honour of Arnon Avron, Springer-Verlag, 2013, Invited, to appear.
Internal Reports
24P. Maksimovic, S. Thuriez, L. Liquori.
A Secure Protocol for Tracking Customer Flow, Inria, 2012, Convention d'étude 6711, Protected by NDA. -
25P. Maksimovic, S. Thuriez, L. Liquori.
Annexe of : A Secure Protocol for Tracking Customer Flow, Inria, 2012, Convention d'étude 6711, Protected by NDA.
Other Publications
26S. Breda.
Mise en place d’une application Smartphone dans le cadre du projet Interreg Alcotra myMed., 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'études: Master Langues et Affaires Internationales Relations franco-italienne, UNICE. -
27V. Ciancaglini, R. Loti, R. Gaeta, L. Liquori.
Interconnection of large scale unstructured P2P networks: modeling and analysis, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, Poster and short paper on IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, in ICPADS'12. -
28V. Ciancaglini, R. Loti, R. Gaeta, L. Liquori.
Interconnection of large scale unstructured P2P networks: modeling and analysis, 2012, unpublished. -
29S. Dupont.
Security Analysis of the Architecture of a Social Network Platform: myMed, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'études: M2 IFI CSSR. -
30R. Fritz.
Security mechanism applicable on Distributed Hash Table, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'études: M2 IFI CSSR, UNICE. -
31R. Fritz.
Surveillance des réseaux pair à pair par la réputation, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'étude: M2 IFI CSSR, UNICE. -
32F. Guglielmino.
Aide à la constitution d’un bassin d’usagers potentiels du réseau social myMed, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'études: Master Langues et Affaires Internationales Relations franco-italienne, UNICE. -
33G. N. Hoang, L. Liquori, V. Ciancaglini, P. Maksimovic.
A Backward-Compatible Protocol for Inter-routing over Heterogeneous Overlay Networks, Acm Press, 2013, Poster in Symposium On Applied Computing, SAC'13, Short Version. To appear. -
34G. N. Hoang, L. Liquori, V. Ciancaglini, P. Maksimovic.
A Backward-Compatible Protocol for Inter-routing over Heterogeneous Overlay Networks, 2013, Long version. -
35E. Pellicciari.
Assistance et aide à la conception des services myMed, premier réseau informatique transfrontalier, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d'études: Master Langues et Affaires Internationales Relations franco-italienne, UNICE. -
36D. D. Silva.
Développement d'une application mobile d'aide aux personnes atteinte d'Alzheimer sur la plate-forme MyMed, 2012, Projet de stage de fin d’année: Licence Info Miage, UNICE.