Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Elisabeth Bon, ICTs-Information & Communication Technologies (basic and advanced sections) and the national “IT and Internet certificate (C2i®, level 1) for the STS- biology variant Licence programs at the Univ. Bordeaux Segalen, and for MISMI Licence program at the Univ. Bordeaux 1. 109h éq. ED.

  • Licence & Master : Elisabeth Bon, Computer sciences & Bioinformatics-Genomics, Computerised resources, data banks and Methods for the Biology & Healthcare STS (Sciences, Technologies & Sante) bachelor’s degrees, research oriented STS licence and master’s degrees . 102h éq. ED.

  • Licence : Elisabeth Bon is responsable for The bachelor’s degree “Information Technologies & Internet advanced course”, Life Sciences Department, University Bordeaux

  • Licence : Elisabeth Bon is responsable for The “IT and Internet certificate (C2i®), level 1” at Life Sciences Department, University Bordeaux Segalen

  • Licence : Elisabeth Bon is responsable for The presidence (2005-2007; since sept. 2011) of the “IT and Internet certificate (C2i, level 1) committee” in charge of the C2i evaluation and certification for students (n=2000), University Bordeaux Segalen

  • Licence : Laetitia Bourgeade, Informatics for MISMI Licence program, University Bordeaux 1, 43h éq. ED.

  • Master : Laetitia Bourgeade, Statistics for bioinformaticians, University Bordeaux 1, 16h éq. ED.

  • Master : Laetitia Bourgeade, Object-oriented Programming, 2ème année Ingénieur, EnseirbMatmeca (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux), Bordeaux, 34h éq. ED.

  • Master : Laetitia Bourgeade, Methods & Tools for Systems Biology, 2ème année Ingénieur, EnseirbMatmeca (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux), Bordeaux, 22h éq. ED. Tiphaine Martin and Pascal Durrens have :

  • the supervision of 4 Bioinformatics MSc students from the University of Bordeaux: Master : Development of search tools on Ge´nolevures databases, 6hETC, M1, University Bordeaux 1 and University Bordeaux Segalen, France

  • Master : Tiphaine Martin, Utilisation of EGEE GRID via virtual organisation GRISBI , 8h, niveau (M2), University Lyon, France

  • Master : Tiphaine Martin, Utilisation of EGEE GRID via virtual organisation GRISBI, 8h, niveau (M2), INRA Toulouse, France

  • Master : David Sherman, Web et Interfaces Homme-Machine, 50h, 2ème année Ingénieur, EnseirbMatmeca (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux), Bordeaux


  • PhD in progress : L. Bourgeade, Filtres sur les arborescences modélisant les ARN et plasticité génique, 2011–, E. Bon, P. Ferraro and J. Allali

  • PhD in progress : N. Golenetskaya, Big Data for comparative genomics, 2009–, D. Sherman

  • PhD in progress : R. Issa, Analyse symbolique de données génomiques, 2010–, D. Sherman

  • PhD in progress : A. Zhukova, Knowledge engineering for biological networks, 2011–, D. Sherman


David Sherman:

  • was external reviewer and member of the thesis defense jury for Anisah Ghoorah, Nancy.

  • was a member and president of the jury for the thesis defense of Jean-Paul Soularue, Bordeaux.