Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
The CMI (Chennai Mathematical Institute) is a long-standing partner of our team. The project Île de France/Inde in the ARCUS program from 2008 to 2011 has allowed several exchange visits between Cachan and Chennai, organizations of ACTS workshops with french and indian researchers in Chennai, internships in Cachan, and two theses in co-tutelle (Akshay Sundararaman, defended in 2010) and Aiswarya Cyriac (thesis in progress).
Currently, Paul Gastin is co-head (with Madhavan Mukund) of the new International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INFORMEL (INdo-French FORmal Methods Lab). This LIA was created in January 2012 by an agreement between CNRS, ENS Cachan, University Bordeaux 1 on the french side and the Chennai Mathematical Institute, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Chennai, and the Indian Institute of Science of Bangalore on the Indian side.
Participation In International Programs
Benedikt Bollig, Aiswarya Cyriac, and Benjamin Monmege are participating in LeMon, a joint Procope project with LIAFA, (Paris) and the University of Lübeck, supported by EGIDE/DAAD. The aim of the project is to develop techniques for the inference of systems that deal with infinite data domains.