Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Benedikt Bollig

was the organizer and a PC member of the 4rd Young Researchers Workshop on Concurrency Theory (YR-CONCUR), which was co-located with CONCUR'12. He was a PC member of the International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols (IWIGP'12). Moreover, he served as a reviewer for numerous international conferences and journals. He also was a member of the commission scientifique Inria Saclay.

Thomas Chatain

was a member of the program committee of ACSD'12 (International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design). He was a member of a selection committee at CNAM Paris in 2012, and participated in the organization and presentation of the one-day Petri net tutorial on unfoldings at the international conference on the application and theory of Petri nets in Hamburg, June 2012.

Paul Gastin

is co-head (with Madhavan Mukund) of the new International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INFORMEL (INdo-French FORmal Methods Lab). This LIA was created in January 2012 by an agreement between CNRS, ENS Cachan, University Bordeaux 1 on the french side and the Chennai Mathematical Institute, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Chennai, and the Indian Institute of Science of Bangalore on the Indian side.

He is the head of the computer science department of ENS Cachan.

Paul Gastin is an associate editor of the Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics.

He is on the Advisory Board of the EATCS-Springer book series

  • Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science,

  • Texts in Theoretical Computer Science.

He was a member of the program committees of LATA 2012 (Language and Automata Theory and Applications) and CONCUR 2012 (International Conference on Concurrency Theory).

He was an invited speaker at the 17th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'12).

He was a member of 3 selection committees (Cachan, Nancy and Orléans).

Stefan Haar

is an associate editor for the journal Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Application, and was on the program committees of SAFEPROCESS 2012 and PNSE 2012. He participated in the organization and presentation of the one-day Petri net tutorial on unfoldings at the international conference on the application and theory of Petri nets in Hamburg, June 2012 Stefan is the correspondent for Inria's DRI (international relations service) for the Saclay center, and ipso facto member of the GTRI (working group on international relations) of Inria's COST.

Serge Haddad

has been a member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN) since 2001. He gave a tutorial on timed and stochastic Petri nets, and was co-president of the program committee of ICATPN 2012; he was also co-president for the tutorials at the 18th Int. Symp. on Formal Methods (FM) 2012, Paris, France, and member of the program committee of the Workshop on Research and Use of Multiformalism Modeling Methods of QEST, September 2012, London, UK. He is a founding member of the research group MeFoSyLoMa and co-chair of the software project COSYVERIF. He was one of the evaluators in the Evaluation AERES of the Cedric Laboratory, and is a member of the selection committees of the universities Paris VI and Nancy.

Stefan Schwoon

was a member of the program committee of GRAPHITE'12 (First Workshop on GRAPH Inspection and Traversal Engineering). and of the MOVEP 2012 winter school. He gave a tutorial on unfolding and partial-order techniques at CEA LIST in January.