Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Maria Guinaldo Losada, PhD Student, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2 months visit (Oct. and Nov. 2012).
André L.F. de Almeida, Associate Professor, UFC, Brazil, visit within the framework of the TeMP project (January 2012).
Joao Cesar M. Mota, Professor, UFC, Brazil, visit within the framework of the TeMP project (January 2012).
Zarina Samigulina, PhD student, Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU), two weeks visit (November 2012).
Visits to International Teams
H. Fourati spent two weeks in Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU), Dec. 2012.
F. Garin spent three weeks in Lund University during the LCCC focus period on Information and Control in Networks, Oct. 2012.
A. Kibangou spent three weeks in UFC, Brazil, in two stays (May and Oct. 2012).
C. Canudas de Wit visited universities of Berkeley (USA), Lund (Sweden), Madrid, Sevilla, and Valencia (Spain).