Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Carlos Canudas de Wit has been an European project evaluator (STREPs and IPs) on the following programs: Cognitive systems and Robotics (FP7-ICT 2002) and Chat (http://www.ict-chat.eu/ ). He was elected as member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control System Society. He is vice-president of the European Control Association (EUCA) and member of the steering committee in charge of redefying the new EUCA constitution. Since 2010, He is Editor of the Asian Journal of Control.

H. Fourati has been a peer-reviewer for international journals (IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics).

D. Simon was member of the ETFA'12 (IEEE Int. Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation), CIFA'12 (Conference Internationale Francophone d'Automatique) and CAR'12 (Control Architecture of Robots) program committees, and of the IFAC Joint Conference (Grenoble, february 2013) organization committee. Involvement within the API (Automatique Pour l'Informatique) PEPS headed by E. Rutten (Sardes ). Peer reviewer for the ICSCS'12, MED'12 and ECC'13 international conferences. Scientific direction of the farewell robotics seminar given in honour of Bernard Espiau.

F. Garin has been a peer-reviewer for international journals (IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Automatica) and conferences (CDC 2012, NecSys2012, ECC 2013) and for a chapter in a book in Springer LNCS.

A. Kibangou has been a peer-reviewer for international journals (Automatica, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems and Technology, Elsevier Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Electronics Letters, Int. J. of Adaptive control and Signal Processing, and System control letters) and conferences (CDC 2012, CIFA 2012, ACC 2013, ECC 2013). Locally, he is the organizer of seminars for the Control Department of GIPSA-LAB.

A. Ben Khaled gave a talk at the “Logicels de Modélisation et de Calcul Scientifique” day (LMCS 2012) organized at Paris la Défense by EDF, IFPEN, Acsystème and Esilv in December.