Section: New Results
Data Transformation Management
When developing data transformations – a task omnipresent in applications like data integration, data migration, data cleaning, or scientific data processing – developers quickly face the need to verify the semantic correctness of the transformation. Declarative specifications of data transformations, e.g. SQL or ETL tools, increase developer productivity but usually provide limited or no means for inspection or debugging. In this situation, developers today have no choice but to manually analyze the transformation and, in case of an error, to (repeatedly) fix and test the transformation.
The above observations call for a more systematic management of a data transformation. Within Oak, we have so far focused on the first phase of the process described above, namely the analysis phase. Leveraging results obtained in previous years (by us and others), we solidified the theory of why-not provenance. Analogously to a distinction between different types of why-provenance, we defined three types of why-not provenance. For each of the three types, we surveyed the semantics employed by different approaches, e.g., set vs. bag semantics or existential vs. universal quantification. We also identified cases of implication and equivalence between why-not provenance of different types. We have leveraged this theoretical work during the design of a novel algorithm that has the potential to overcome usability and efficiency limitations of previous algorithms after further optimization, implementation, and validation in the future. Furthermore, we implemented different approaches for why-provenance and why-not provenance and included them in the Nautilus Analyzer, a system prototype for declarative query debugging. We demonstrated this prototype at CIKM 2012 [15] .