Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR Jeunes Chercheurs CAC Computer Algebra and Cryptography (2009-2013). The contract CAC “Computer Algebra and Cryptography” started in October 2009 for a period of 4 years. This project investigates the areas of cryptography and computer algebra, and their influence on the security and integrity of digital data. In CAC, we plan to use basic tools of computer algebra to evaluate the security of cryptographic schemes. CAC will focus on three new challenging applications of algebraic techniques in cryptography; namely block ciphers, hash functions, and factorization with known bits. To this hand, we will use Gröbner bases techniques but also lattice tools. In this proposal, we will explore non-conventional approaches in the algebraic cryptanalysis of these problems (Participants: L. Perret [contact], J.-C. Faugère, G. Renault).

ANR Grant (international program) EXACTA (2010-2013): Exact/Certified Algorithms with Algebraic Systems.

The main objective of this project is to study and compute the solutions of nonlinear algebraic systems and their structures and properties with selected target applications using exact or certified computation. The project consists of one main task of basic research on the design and implementation of fundamental algorithms and four tasks of applied research on computational geometry, algebraic cryptanalysis, global optimization, and algebraic biology. It will last for three years (2010–2013) with 300 person-months of workforce. Its consortium is composed of strong research teams from France and China (KLMM, SKLOIS, and LMIB) in the area of solving algebraic systems with applications.

ANR Grant HPAC: High Performance Algebraic Computing (2012-2016). The pervasive ubiquity of parallel architectures and memory hierarchy has led to a new quest for parallel mathematical algorithms and software capable of exploiting the various levels of parallelism: from hardware acceleration technologies (multi-core and multi-processor system on chip, GPGPU, FPGA) to cluster and global computing platforms. For giving a greater scope to symbolic and algebraic computing, beyond the optimization of the application itself, the effective use of a large number of resources (memory and specialized computing units) is expected to enhance the performance multi-criteria objectives: time, resource usage, reliability, even energy consumption. The design and the implementation of mathematical algorithms with provable, adaptive and sustainable performance is a major challenge. In this context, this project is devoted to fundamental and practical research specifically in exact linear algebra and system solving that are two essential "dwarfs" (or "killer kernels") in scientific and algebraic computing. The project should lead to progress in matrix algorithms and challenge solving in cryptology, and should provide new insights into high performance programming and library design problems (J.-C. Faugère [contact], L. Perret, G. Renault, M. Safey El Din).

ANR Grant GeoLMI: Geometry of Linear Matrix Inequalities (2011-2015). he GeoLMI project aims at developing an algebraic and geometric study of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) for systems control theory. It is an interdisciplinary project at the border between information sciences (systems control), pure mathematics (algebraic geometry) and applied mathematics (optimisation). The project focuses on the geometry of determinantal varieties, on decision problems involving positive polynomials, on computational algorithms for algebraic geometry, on computational algorithms for semi-definite programming, and on applications of algebraic geometry techniques in systems control theory, namely for robust control of linear systems and polynomial optimal control (Participants: J.-C. Faugère, M. Safey El Din [contact]).