Section: Dissemination
Creatives Tuesday, Bordeaux, 27th November, "New 3D User Interfaces for the city" (M. Hachet)
Les signaux du numériques, Talence, 5th March, Demo PapARt (M. Hachet, P. Davignon)
Participation to the exhibition "Lascaux" in Cap Sciences (PapARt, Toucheo), (M. Hachet, J. Laviole)
Participation to the Aquitec student job fair, doing demonstrations and talking about jobs in computer science research (P. Davignon, J. Laviole)
Interview for the journal “Sciences et Vie Junior”, about Brain-Computer Interfaces (F. Lotte)
Talk given at the science festival in Goteborg, Sweden, entitled “Playing with the brain: Using ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ to control video games with mental activity” (F. Lotte)
Interview for a TPE for high schools student about “Touch-based interactive technologies” (J. Frey)
Care of an high school student (classe de sconde) visiting the Potioc group for a week
Care of a junior high school student (classe de troisième) visiting the Potioc group for a week