
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1K. Burrage, J. Erhel.

    On the performance of various adaptive preconditioned GMRES, in: Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 1998, vol. 5, p. 101-121.
  • 2J. Carrayrou, J. Hoffmann, P. Knabner, S. Kräutle, C. de Dieuleveult, J. Erhel, J. Van der Lee, V. Lagneau, K. Mayer, K. MacQuarrie.

    Comparison of numerical methods for simulating strongly non-linear and heterogeneous reactive transport problems. The MoMaS benchmark case., in: Computational Geosciences, 2010, vol. 14, no 3, p. 483-502.
  • 3P. Chartier, B. Philippe.

    A Parallel Shooting Technique for Solving Dissipative ODE's, Part 1: Theoretical Analysis; Part 2: Numerical Implementation, in: Computing, 1993, vol. 51, no 3-4, p. 209-236.
  • 4R. Choquet, J. Erhel.

    Newton-GMRES algorithm applied to compressible flows, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 1996, vol. 23, p. 177-190.
  • 5M. Crouzeix, B. Philippe, M. Sadkane.

    The Davidson Method, in: SIAM, Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 1994, vol. 15:1, p. 62-76.
  • 6J. Erhel, S. Rault.

    Algorithme parallèle pour le calcul d'orbites : Parallélisation à travers le temps, in: Technique et science informatiques, 2000, vol. 19, no 5.
  • 7H. Hoteit, J. Erhel, R. Mosé, B. Philippe, P. Ackerer.

    Numerical Reliability for Mixed Methods Applied to Flow Problems in Porous Media, in: Computational Geosciences, 2002, vol. 6, p. 161-194.
  • 8M. Muhieddine, É. Canot, R. March, R. Delannay.

    Coupling heat conduction and water-steam flow in a saturated porous medium, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011, vol. 85, no 11, p. 1390-1414. [ DOI : 10.1002/nme.3022 ]

  • 9Y. Saad, M. Yeung, J. Erhel, F. Guyomarc'h.

    A deflated version of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2000, vol. 21, no 5, p. 1909-1926.
  • 10J.-R. de Dreuzy, A. Beaudoin, J. Erhel.

    Asymptotic dispersion in 2D heterogeneous porous media determined by parallel numerical simulations, in: Water Resource Research, 2007, vol. 43, no W10439, doi:10.1029/2006WR005394.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11M. Djouwe Meffeja.

    Simulation et modélisation de milieux granulaires confinés, University of Rennes 1, January 2012.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 12L. Berenguer, T. Dufaud, D. Tromeur-Dervout.

    Aitken’s acceleration of the Schwarz process using singular value decomposition for heterogeneous 3D groundwater flow problems, in: Computers and Fluids, 2012.

  • 13J. Charrier.

    Strong and weak error estimates for elliptic partial diffrential equations with random coefficients, in: SIAM Journal on numerical analysis, 2012, vol. 50(1), p. 216-246.
  • 14T. Dufaud, D. Tromeur-Dervout.

    Efficient parallel implementation of the fully algebraic multiplicative Aitken-RAS preconditioning technique, in: Advances in Engineering Software, 2012, vol. 53, p. 33-44.

  • 15E. Kamgnia, B. Philippe.

    Counting eigenvalues in domains of the complex field, in: Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, October 2012, no RR-7770, accepted for publication.

  • 16A. Lejay, G. Pichot.

    Simulating diffusion processes in discontinuous media: a numerical scheme with constant time steps, in: Journal of Computational Physics, August 2012, vol. 231, no 21, p. 7299-7314. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jcp.2012.07.011 ]

  • 17M. Muhieddine, É. Canot, R. March.

    Heat transfer modeling in saturated porous media and identification of the thermophysical properties of the soil by inverse problem, in: Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2012, vol. 62, p. 1026-1040. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.apnum.2012.02.008 ]

  • 18D. Nuentsa Wakam, F. Pacull.

    Memory efficient hybrid algebraic solvers for linear systems arising from compressible flows, in: Computers and Fluids, 2012, vol. online.
  • 19B. Philippe, L. Reichel.

    On the generation of Krylov subspace bases, in: Applied Numerical Mathematics (APNUM), 2012, vol. 62, no 9, p. 1171-1186.
  • 20G. Pichot, J. Erhel, J.-R. de Dreuzy.

    A generalized mixed hybrid mortar method for solving flow in stochastic discrete fracture networks, in: SIAM Journal on scientific computing, 2012, vol. 34(1), p. B86-B105.

  • 21J.-R. de Dreuzy, Y. Meheust, G. Pichot.

    Influence of fracture scale heterogeneity on the flow properties of three-dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks, in: Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012.
  • 22J.-R. de Dreuzy, G. Pichot, B. Poirriez, J. Erhel.

    Synthetic benchmark for modeling flow in 3D fractured media, in: Computers & Geosciences, 2012, in press. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.025 ]


Invited Conferences

  • 23T. Dufaud.

    An algebraic multilevel preconditioning framework based on information of a Richardson process, in: 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD21), Rennes, France, June 2012, organizer of a minisymposium.
  • 24T. Dufaud.

    On a numerical method to compute flow in complex 3D geological fractured porous media, in: 3 ème Conférence Internationale de la Société Marocaine de Mathématiques Appliquées (SM2A), Marrakech, Maroc, September 2012, invited in a minisymposium.
  • 25J. Erhel.

    MICAS: Modelling and Intensive Computation for Aquifer Simulations, in: Grand colloque STIC 2012 (ANR), Lyon, January 2012, Invited contribution and poster.
  • 26J. Erhel.

    PARADIS: modélisation stochastique du transport de soluté dans un milieu hétérogène, in: CANUM 2012, 2012, invited plenary talk.
  • 27J. Erhel.

    Solving linear systems arising from flow simulations in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks, in: The Seventh Workshop of the Inria-Illinois Joint Laboratory on Petascale Computing, Rennes, France, June 2012, invited talk.
  • 28M. Hassine, M. Jaoua, S. Sabit.

    Plasma boundary reconstruction using topological asymptotic expansion, in: Inverse Problems, Control and Shape Optimization, Paris, France, April 2012, invited poster.
  • 29D. Nuentsa Wakam, J. Erhel.

    A parallel augmented GMRES algorithm, in: 3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications (DWCAA12), Alba di Canazei, Italy, September 2012, invited talk in a minisymposium.
  • 30D. Nuentsa Wakam, J. Erhel.

    Parallel deflated GMRES with the Newton basis, in: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Spain, June 2012, invited in a minisymposium.
  • 31B. Philippe, E. Kamgnia, L. B. Nguenang.

    A parallel method for counting eigenvalues of a large sparse matrix in the complex plane, in: PMAA2012, Birbek University of London, 2012.
  • 32B. Philippe.

    Counting eigenvalues in pseudospectra, in: 3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications(DWCAA12), Alba di Canazei, 2012.
  • 33G. Pichot.

    On robust numerical methods for solving flow in stochastic fracture networks, in: 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Rennes, France, June 2012, invited plenary talk.
  • 34B. Poirriez, J. Erhel.

    Deflation and Neumann-Neumann Preconditionner for Schur Domain Decomposition Method, in: 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD21), Rennes, France, June 2012, invited talk in a minisymposium.
  • 35S. Sabit, J. Erhel, É. Canot.

    Méthodes Numériques de transport réactif : approche globale DAE, in: 3 ème Conférence Internationale de la Société Marocaine de Mathématiques Appliquées (SM2A), Marrakech, Maroc, Sept 2012, invited in a minisymposium.
  • 36S. Sabit, J. Erhel, É. Canot.

    Numerical methods of reactive transport: global approach DAE, in: First Brazil­France workshop on High performance computing and scientific data management driven by highly demanding applications, Nice, France, July 2012, invited talk.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 37T. Dufaud, D. Tromeur-Dervout.

    ARAS2 preconditioning technique for CFD industrial cases, in: Proceedings of international conference on domain decomposition (DD20), LNCSE, Springer, 2012.
  • 38E. Kamgnia, L. B. Nguenang, B. Philippe.

    Some efficient methods for computing the determinants of large sparse matrices, in: 11th African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI'2012), Algiers, 2012.
  • 39D. Nuentsa Wakam, J. Erhel, W. Gropp.

    Parallel Adaptive Deflated GMRES, in: Proceedings of international conference on domain decomposition (DD20), LNCSE, Springer, 2012.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 40E. Kamgnia, B. Philippe.

    Counting eigenvalues in pseudospectra, in: Congrès de méthodes numériques et modélisation, Tunis, December 2012.
  • 41N. Makhoul-Karam, N. Nassif, J. Erhel.

    Ratio-Based Parallel Time Integration, in: 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD21), Rennes, France, June 2012, accepted contribution.
  • 42M. Oumouni, J. Erhel, Z. Mghazli.

    Méthode des grilles clairsemées anisotrope et adaptative pour un prblème elliptique stochastique, in: 3 ème Conférence Internationale de la Société Marocaine de Mathématiques Appliquées (SM2A), Marrakech, Maroc, Septembre 2012.
  • 43M. Oumouni, J. Erhel, Z. Mghazli.

    Une Méthode de collocation adaptative pour un problème elliptique à coefficients aléatoires, in: CANUM 2012, Superbesse, France, May 2012.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 44K. Gallivan, E. Gallopoulos, A. Grama, B. Philippe, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad, F. Saied, D. Sorensen.

    Parallel Numerical Computing from Illiac IV to Exascale: The Contributions of Ahmed H. Sameh, in: High-Performance Scientific Computing - Algorithms and Applications, M. Berry, K. Gallivan, E. Gallopoulos, A. Grama, B. Philippe, Y. Saad, F. Saied (editors), Springer, 2012.

Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 45M. Berry, K. Gallivan, E. Gallopoulos, A. Grama, B. Philippe, Y. Saad, F. Saied (editors)

    High-Performance Scientific Computing - Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2012.

Internal Reports

  • 46D. Nuentsa Wakam, J. Erhel.

    Parallelism and robustness in GMRES with the Newton basis and the deflated restarting, Inria, 2012, no RR-7787 (v2), submitted to ETNA, in revision.


Scientific Popularization

  • 47J. Erhel.

    Des modèles numériques pour analyser les nappes phréatiques, in: A la découverte de la recherche, lycée Descartes, 2012.
References in notes
  • 48T. Dufaud, D. Tromeur-Dervout.

    Aitken's acceleration of the restricted additive Schwarz preconditioning using coarse approximations on the interface, in: C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2010, vol. 348, no 13-14, p. 821–824.

  • 49D. Tromeur-Dervout.

    Meshfree adaptive Aitken-Schwarz domain decomposition with application to Darcy flow, in: Comput Sci Eng Technol, 2009, vol. 21, p. 217-250.