Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Conferences and networks

  • the team Sage organized, with the LMNO, the international conference on Domain Decomposition methods DD21 (Rennes, France, June 2012). Chair J. Erhel (with T. Sassi, University of Caen); members of the organizing committee É. Canot and G. Pichot; webmaster N. Soualem and A. Le Gentil; local coordination E. Blin and F. Cuyollaa.

  • G. Pichot is a member of the organizing committee of the SMAI 2013 conference (Seignosse, France, May 2013).

  • J. Erhel is a member of the scientific committee of the SMAI 2013 conference (Seignosse, France, May 2013).

  • J. Erhel is a member of the scientific committee of the MAMERN'13 conference (Granada, Spain, April 2013).

  • J. Erhel is a member of the international advisory committee of the parallel CFD conferences (Atlanta, USA, May 2012 and Changsha, Hunan, China, May 2013).

  • J. Erhel is a member of the steering committee of the Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes.

Editorial Boards

  • B. Philippe is one of the four chief-editors of the electronic journal ARIMA (revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées).

  • B. Philippe is managing editor of the electronic journal ETNA (Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis).

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of ETNA.

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of ESAIM:Proceedings.

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of Interstices.

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013, un jour-une brève.

Inria committees

  • É. Canot is member of the CUMI (Commission des Utilisateurs de Moyens Informatiques), of Inria-Rennes, from September 2007.

  • É. Canot is member of the CHS (Commission Hygiène et Sécurité), of Inria-Rennes, from September 2010.

  • J. Erhel is member of the Comité Technique d'Etablissement Public of Inria.

  • J. Erhel is member of Conseil d'Administration of Inria.

  • J. Erhel participates in the working group of Inria Rennes on project management (first meeting, December 2012).