Major publications by the team in recent years
1C. Boura, A. Canteaut, C. De Cannière.
Higher-Order Differential Properties of Keccak and Luffa, in: Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2011, LNCS, Springer, 2011, vol. 6733, p. 252-269. -
2A. Canteaut, B. Chevallier-Mames, A. Gouget, P. Paillier, T. Pornin, E. Bresson, C. Clavier, T. Fuhr, T. Icart, J.-F. Misarsky, M. Naya-Plasencia, J.-R. Reinhard, C. Thuillet, M. Videau.
Shabal, a Submission to NIST's Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition, October 2008, Submission to NIST. -
3P. Charpin, G. Gong.
Hyperbent functions, Kloosterman sums and Dickson polynomials, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, September 2008, vol. 54, no 9, p. 4230-4238, Regular paper. -
4P. Charpin, T. Helleseth, V. Zinoviev.
Divisibility properties of classical binary Kloosterman sums, in: Discrete Mathematics, June 2009, vol. 309, no 12, p. 3975-3984. -
5N. Courtois, M. Finiasz, N. Sendrier.
How to achieve a McEliece-based Digital Signature Scheme, in: Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2001, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2001, no 2248, p. 157–174. -
6F. Didier, J.-P. Tillich.
Computing the algebraic immunity efficiently, in: Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2006, LNCS, Springer, 2006, vol. 4047, p. 359-374. -
7J.-C. Faugère, A. Otmani, L. Perret, J.-P. Tillich.
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of McEliece Variants with Compact Keys, in: Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2010, LNCS, Springer, 2010, no 6110, p. 279-298.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ 978-3-642-13190-5_14 -
8R. Overbeck, N. Sendrier.
Code-based cryptography, in: Post-Quantum Cryptography, Springer, 2009, p. 95-145.
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
9C. Boura.
Analyse de fonctions de hachage cryptographiques, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, December 2012.
http://tel. archives-ouvertes. fr/ tel-00767028 -
10S. Jacob.
Protection cryptographique des bases de données : conception et cryptanalyse, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, March 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ tel-00738272
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
11I. Andriyanova, J.-P. Tillich.
Designing a Good Low-Rate Sparse-Graph Code, in: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2012, vol. 60, no 11, p. 3181-3190. -
12C. Boura, A. Canteaut.
On the Influence of the Algebraic Degree of on the Algebraic Degree of , in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012, p. 1-12, To appear.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00738398 -
13A. Canteaut, M. Naya-Plasencia.
Correlation attacks on combination generators, in: Cryptography and Communications, 2012, vol. 4, no 3-4, p. 147–171. -
14A. Canteaut, M. Naya-Plasencia.
Parity-Check Relations on Combination Generators, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012, vol. 58, no 6, p. 3900–3911. -
15C. Koukouvinos, D. E. Simos.
Encryption Schemes from Williamson Matrices, in: Journal of Information Assurance and Security, 2012, vol. 7, no 6, p. 252-258. -
16G. M. Kyureghyan, F. Özbudak.
Planarity of products of linearized polynomials, in: Finite Fields and Applications, 2012, vol. 18, no 6, p. 87–114.
Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals
17A. Canteaut, M. Minier.
De l’espérance de vie d’un algorithme symétrique (ou l’AES dix ans après), in: MISC, April-May 2012, no HS 5, p. 12-19.
International Conferences with Proceedings
18I. Andriyanova, D. Maurice, J.-P. Tillich.
Quantum LDPC codes obtained by non-binary constructions, in: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT 2012, Boston, USA, July 2012, p. 343-347. -
19I. Andriyanova, D. Maurice, J.-P. Tillich.
Spatially coupled quantum LDPC codes, in: IEEE Information Theory worksop - ITW2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012, p. 327–331. -
20M. Bellard, N. Sendrier.
Recognition of constellation labeling with convolutional coded data, in: 2012 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications - ISITA 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, IEEE, October 2012, p. 653-657. -
21J. Borghoff, A. Canteaut, T. Güneysu, E. B. Kavun, M. Knezevic, L. R. Knudsen, G. Leander, V. Nikov, C. Paar, C. Rechberger, P. Rombouts, S. S. Thomsen, T. Yalçin.
PRINCE - A Low-latency Block Cipher for Pervasive Computing Applications, in: Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2012, Beijing, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, December 2012, vol. 7658, p. 208-225. -
22C. Boura, A. Canteaut.
On the Algebraic Degree of some SHA-3 Candidates, in: The third SHA-3 candidate conference, Washington DC, USA, March 2012.
http://csrc. nist. gov/ groups/ ST/ hash/ sha-3/ Round3/ March2012/ documents/ papers/ BOURA_CANTEAUT_paper. pdf -
23C. Boura, S. Lévêque, D. Vigilant.
Side-channel Analysis of Grøstl and Skein, in: Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2012, San Francisco, United States, IEEE, 2012, p. 16-26.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00738410 -
24V. Grosso, C. Boura, B. Gérard, F.-X. Standaert.
A Note on the Empirical Evaluation of Security Margins against Algebraic Attacks (with Application to Low Cost Ciphers LED and Piccolo), in: The 33rd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Boekelo, The Netherlands, May 2012, p. 52-59. -
25G. M. Kyureghyan, F. Özbudak, A. Pott.
Some planar maps and related function fields, in: Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 2012, vol. 574, p. 87-114. -
26G. M. Kyureghyan, V. Suder.
On inverses of APN exponents, in: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT 2012, Boston, USA, July 2012, p. 1207-1211. -
27G. Landais, N. Sendrier.
Implementing CFS, in: Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2012, vol. 7668, p. 474-488.
Conferences without Proceedings
28M. Bellard.
Reconstruction du "mapping" en présence d'un codage convolutif, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
29C. Boura.
Sur la propagation de relations linéaires au travers d'une S-box, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
30A. Canteaut.
Promenade mathématique : Comment concevoir un chiffrement rapide et solide, in: Journées "Filles et Maths", IHP, Paris, December 2012.
http://www. animath. fr/ spip. php?article447 -
31G. Landais.
CFS Software Implementation, in: CBC 2012, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, May 2012. -
32G. Landais.
Implementation de CFS, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
33D. Maurice.
Codes LDPC quantiques non binaires, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
34R. Misoczki.
Improved LDPC and QC-LDPC McEliece variants, in: CBC 2012, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, May 2012. -
35R. Misoczki.
Nouvelles variantes de McEliece à partir de codes de parité à densité modérée, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
36N. Sendrier.
Code-based Cryptography, in: Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 2012, Invited lecture. -
37N. Sendrier.
Code-based Cryptography: Theory and Practice, in: ARES, MoCrySEn 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2012, Invited lecture. -
38D. E. Simos.
Families of Block Ciphers from Combinatorial Designs, in: Cryptography and its Applications in the Armed Forces (CAIAF2012), Hellenic Military Academy “Evelpidon”, Vari, Greece, April 2012, Invited talk. -
39D. E. Simos.
Quelle est la difficulté de l'équivalence de codes sur ?, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/ -
40D. E. Simos.
The Support Splitting Algorithm and its application to Code-based Cryptography, in: CBC 2012, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, May 2012. -
41V. Suder.
Sur les inverses d'exposants APN, in: Journées "Codage et Cryptographie 2012", Dinard, Bretagne, October 2012.
http://webmath. univ-rennes1. fr/ c2/
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
42P. Charpin.
PN and APN functions, in: Handbook of Finite Fields, G. L. Mullen, D. Panario (editors), 2012, chap. Special functions over finite fields, To appear. -
43G. M. Kyureghyan.
Special mappings of finite fields, in: Finite Fields and Their Applications. Character Sums and Polynomials, Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, De Gruyter, 2012, To appear.
Books or Proceedings Editing
44D. Augot, A. Canteaut, G. M. Kyureghyan, F. Solov'eva, Ø. Ytrehus (editors)
Special issue in Coding and Cryptography, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Springer, 2012, To appear. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10623-012-9731-1 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00741923 -
45A. Canteaut (editor)
Fast Software Encryption - 19th International Workshop, FSE 2012. Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Washington, DC, USA, March 2012, vol. 7549. -
46D. E. Simos (editor)
Workshop on Modern Cryptography and Security Engineering – MocrySen 2012, IEEE CPS, Prague, Czech Republic, August 20-24, 2012.
Other Publications
47I. Andriyanova, D. Maurice, J.-P. Tillich.
New constructions of CSS codes obtained by moving to higher alphabets, 2012, full version of a paper submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Information Theory.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00671659 -
48T. Baignères, A. Canteaut, Y. Seurin, T. Fuhr, M. Finiasz, M. Minier.
Security Models, November 2012, Delivrable 1 (Subtask 2.1) - Deliverable for the ANR project BLOC. -
49J. Borghoff, A. Canteaut, T. Güneysu, E. B. Kavun, M. Knezevic, L. R. Knudsen, G. Leander, V. Nikov, C. Paar, C. Rechberger, P. Rombouts, S. S. Thomsen, T. Yalçin.
PRINCE - A Low-latency Block Cipher for Pervasive Computing Applications (Full version), 2012, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/529.
http://eprint. iacr. org/ 2012/ 529 -
50C. Boura.
Intermediate results on physical analysis of phase-2 candidates, March 2012, Delivrable D2.1 - Deliverable for the ANR Project Saphir 2. -
51A. Canteaut, T. Fuhr, M. Naya-Plasencia, P. Paillier, J.-R. Reinhard, M. Videau.
A Unified Indifferentiability Proof for Permutation- or Block Cipher-Based Hash Functions, 2012, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/363.
http://eprint. iacr. org/ 2012/ 363 -
52T. Fritz, A. Leverrier, A. Belén Sainz.
A Combinatorial Approach to Nonlocality and Contextuality, December 2012, arXiv:1212.4084.
http://arxiv. org/ abs/ 1212. 4084 -
53V. Gauthier, A. Otmani, J.-P. Tillich.
A Distinguisher-Based Attack of a Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Relying on Reed-Solomon Codes, 2012, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/168.
http://eprint. iacr. org/ 2012/ 168 -
54V. Gauthier, A. Otmani, J.-P. Tillich.
A Distinguisher-Based Attack on a Variant of McEliece's Cryptosystem Based on Reed-Solomon Codes, April 2012, arXiv:1204.6459.
http://arxiv. org/ abs/ 1204. 6459 -
55R. Misoczki, J.-P. Tillich, N. Sendrier, P. S. L. M. Barreto.
MDPC-McEliece: New McEliece Variants from Moderate Density Parity-Check Codes, 2012, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/409.
http://eprint. iacr. org/ 2012/ 409 -
56C. Pelle.
Chiffrement par blocs à bas coût, Ecole Centrale de Lille, September 2012, Master's thesis, Co-direction: Anne Canteaut et María Naya-Plasencia. -
57S. Pironio, L. Masanes, A. Leverrier, A. Acin.
Device-independent quantum key distribution secure against adversaries with no long-term quantum memory, 2012, arXiv:1211.1402.
http://arxiv. org/ abs/ 1211. 1402 -
58J. Roué.
Super Boites-S, Université de Versailles, sept 2012, Master's thesis, Co-direction: Anne Canteaut et Pascale Charpin.