Section: New Results
Activity Recognition for Older People using Kinect
Participants : Baptiste Fosty, Carlos -Fernando Crispim Junior, Véronique Joumier, Philippe Robert, Alexandra Konig, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat.
keywords: Activity Recognition, RGB-D camera analysis, Surveillance System, Older people, Frailty assessment
Within the context of the Dem@Care project, we have studied the potential of the RGB-D camera (Red Green Blue + Depth) from Microsoft (Kinect) for an activity recognition system developed to extract automatically and objectively evidences of early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related conditions (like Memory Cognitive Impairment - MCI) for older people. This system is designed on a model-based activity recognition framework. Using a constraint-based approach with contextual and spatio-temporal informations of the scene, we have developped activity models related to the physical activity part of the protocol (Scenario 1, guided activities : balance test, walking test, repeated transfers posture between sitting and standing). These models are organized in a hierarchical structure according to their complexity (Primitive state, Composite State, Primitive Event, and Composite Event). This work is an adaptation of the work performed for multi-sensor analysis [39] .
Several steps are needed to adapt the processing. We had for example to generate new ground truth, or we had to design new 3D zones of interest according to Kinect point of view and referential (differing from the 2D camera). Moreover, in order to improve the reliability of the results, we had to solve several issues in the processing chain. For instance, Kinect and the detection algorithm provided by OpenNi and Nestk (free libraries) have several limitations which leads to wrong detection of human. We proposed in these cases several solutions like filtering wrong object detections by size (see Figure29 C) or recomputing the height of older people based on their head when wearing black pants (absorption of infrared) (see Figure 29 D).
For the experimentation, we have processed the data recorded for 30 patients. The results are shown in Figure 30 . With a true positive rate of almost 97% and a precision of 94.2%, our system is able to extract most of the activities performed by patients. Then, relevant and objective information can be delivered to clinicians, to assess the patient frailty. For further information on the performance of the detection process, we also generate the results frame by frame, which are shown in Figure 31 . We see there that the performance of the event detection in terms of true positive rate is almost as good as by events (94.5%). Nevertheless, if we focus on the precision, it is lower than previously. This means that we still need to improve detection accuracy of the beginning and the end of an event.
Future work will focus on using the human skeleton to extract finest information on the patient activity and to process more scenarios (semi-guided and free).