Section: New Results
Synchronous Modelling and Activity Recognition
Participants : Annie Ressouche, Sabine Moisan, Jean-Paul Rigault, Daniel Gaffé.
Scenario Analysis Module (SAM)
To generate activity recognition systems we supply a scenario analysis module (SAM) to express and recognize complex events from primitive events generated by SUP or other sensors. In this framework, this year we focus on recognition algorithm improvement in order to face the problem of large number of scenario instances recognition.
The purpose of this research axis is to offer a generic tool to express and recognize activities. Genericity means that the tool should accommodate any kind of activities and be easily specialized for a particular framework. In practice, we propose a concrete language to specify activities in the form of a set of scenarios with temporal constraints between scenarios. This language allows domain experts to describe their own scenario models. To recognize instances of these models, we consider the activity descriptions as synchronous reactive systems [76] and we adapt usual techniques of synchronous modelling approach to express scenario behaviours. This approach facilitates scenario validation and allows us to generate a recognizer for each scenario model.
In addition, we have completed sam in order to address the life cycle of scenario instances. For a given scenario model there may exist several (possibly many) instances at different evolution states. These instances are created and deleted dynamically, according to the input event flow. The challenge is to manage the creation/destruction of this large set of scenario instances efficiently (in time and space), to dispatch events to expecting instances, and to make them evolve independently. To face this challenge, we introduced in the generation of the recognition engine, the expected events of the next step. This avoids to run the engine automatically with events that are not relevant for the recognition process. Indeed, we relied on Lustre [66] synchronous language to express the automata semantics of scenario models as Boolean equation systems. This approach was successful and shows that we can consider a synchronous framework to generate validated scenario recognition engines. This year, in order to improve efficiency (and to tackle the real time recognition problem), we begin to rely on clem (see section 6.23.2 ) toolkit to generate such recognition engines. The reason is threefold: (1) clem is becoming a mature synchronous programming environment; (2) we can use the clem compiler to build our own compiler; (3) clem supplies the possibility of using NuSMV [61] model checker, which is more powerful than the Lustre model-checker. Moreover, thanks to clem compiler into Boolean equation systems, we can compute the expected events of the next instant on the fly, by propagation of information related to the current instant.
The clem Workflow
This research axis concerns the theoretical study of a synchronous language le with modular compilation and the development of a toolkit (see Figure 9 ) around the language to design, simulate, verify and generate code for programs. The novelty of the approach is the ability to manage both modularity and causality. This year, we mainly work on theoretical aspects of clem .
First, synchronous language semantics usually characterizes each output and local signal status (as present or absent) according to input signal status. To reach our goal, we defined a semantics that translates le programs into equation systems. This semantics bears and grows richer the knowledge about signals and is never in contradiction with previous deduction (this property is called constructiveness). In such an approach, causality turns out to be a scheduling evaluation problem. We need to determine all the partial orders of equation systems and to compute them, we consider a 4-valued algebra to characterize the knowledge of signal status (unknown, present, absent, overknown). Previously, we relied on 4-valued Boolean algebra [19] , [20] which defines the negation of unknown as overknown. The advantage of this way is to benefit from Boolean algebras laws to compute equation system solutions. The drawback concerns signal status evaluation which does not correspond to usual interpretation (not unknown = unknown and not overknown = overknown). To avoid this drawback, we study other kinds of algebras well suited to define synchronous languages semantics. In [49] , we choose an algebra which is a bilattice and we show that it is well suited to solve our problem. It is a new application of general bilattice theory [64] . But, the algebra we defined is no more a Boolean algebra, but we prove (always in [49] ), that the main laws of Boolean algebras hold as distributivity laws, associativity laws, idempotence laws, etc. After compilation, signals have to be projected into Boolean values. Bilattice theory offers an isomorphism between 4-valued status and pair of Boolean.
Second, the algorithm which computes partial orders relies on the computation of two dependency graphs: the upstream (downstream) dependency graph computes the dependencies of each variable of the system starting from the input (output) variables. Inputs (resp. outputs) have date 0 and the algorithm recursively increases the dates of nodes in the upstream (resp downstream) dependencies graph. Hence, the algorithm determines an earliest date and a latest date for equation system variables. Moreover, we can compute the dates of variables of a global equation system starting from dates already computed for variables which were inputs and outputs in a sub equation system corresponding to a sub program of the global program(these variables are local in the global equation system). This way of compiling is the corner stone of our approach [20] . We defined two approaches to compute all the valid partial orders of equation systems, either applying critical path scheduling technique (CPM) ( ) or applying fix point theory: the vector of earliest (resp. latest) dates can be computed as the least fix point of a monotonic increasing function. This year we have proved that we can compute dates either starting from a global equation system or considering equation system where some variables are abstracted (i.e they have no definition) and whose dates have been already computed. To achieve the demonstration, we rely on an algebraic characterization of dates and thanks to uniqueness property of least fix points, we can deduce that the result is the same for a global equation systems as for its abstraction. We are in the process of publishing this result. From an implementation point of view, we use CPM approach to implement our scheduling algorithm since it is more efficient than fix point consideration. Of course both ways yield the same result. Indeed, fix point approach is useful for a theoretical concern.
Multiple Services for Device Adaptive Platform for Scenario Recognition
The aim of this research axis is to federate the inherent constraints of an activity recognition platform like SUP (see section 5.1 ) with a service oriented middleware approach dealing with dynamic evolutions of system infrastructure. The Rainbow team (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University) proposes a component-based adaptive middleware (WComp [85] , [84] , [68] ) to dynamically adapt and recompose assemblies of components. These operations must obey the "usage contract" of components. The existing approaches don't really ensure that this usage contract is not violated during application design. Only a formal analysis of the component behaviour models associated with a well sound modelling of composition operation may guarantee the respect of the usage contract.
The approach we adopted introduces in a main assembly, a synchronous component for each sub assembly connected with a critical component. This additional component implements a behavioural model of the critical component and model checking techniques apply to verify safety properties concerning this critical component. Thus, we consider that the critical component is validated.
To define such synchronous component, user can specify a synchronous component per sub assembly corresponding to a concern and compose the synchronous components connected with the same critical component in order to get an only synchronous component. Thus, we supply a composition under constraints of synchronous components and we proved that this operation preserves already separately verified properties of synchronous components [79] , [78] .
The main challenge of this approach is to deal with the possibly very large number of constraints a user must specify. Indeed, each synchronous monitor has to tell how it combines with other, then we get a combinatorial number of constraints with respect to the number of synchronous monitors and inputs of the critical component. To tackle this problem, we replace the effective description of constraints by a generic specification of them in the critical component. But, we must offer a way to express these generic constraints. Then, each synchronous component has a synchronous controller, which is the projection of the generic constraints on its output set. The global synchronous component is the synchronous parallel composition of all basic components and their synchronous controllers. Moreover, according to synchronous parallel composition features, the property preservation result we have still hold.