Section: Dissemination
Interaction with the scientific community
Collective responsibilities within Inria
S. Boldo, elected member of the Inria Evaluation Committee. She was in the committee in charge of selecting the Inria permanent researchers (CR2 and CR1).
S. Boldo was in the committee in charge of selecting an Inria support staff (TR, technicien de recherche) for the Saclay finance and accounting service (SAF).
S. Boldo, member of the CLHS, comité local hygiène et sécurité and member of the CLFP, comité local de formation permanente.
S. Boldo, member of the committee for the monitoring of PhD students (commission de suivi des doctorants).
S. Boldo, scientific head for Saclay for the MECSI group for networking about computer science popularization inside Inria.
S. Boldo, member of the popularization committee, comité de médiation scientifique, of Inria.
C. Paulin was a member of the “Commission Scientifique” (in charge of selecting PhD students, post-doc, invited researchers funded by Inria Saclay - Île-de-France) until Aug.
Collective responsibilities outside Inria
A. Charguéraud is vice-president of “France-IOI”, the organization in charge of the selection and the training of the French team to the International Olympiads in Informatics.
É. Contejean and C. Marché, nominated members of the “conseil du laboratoire” of LRI since April 2010.
É. Contejean, elected member of the “Section 6 du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique” since September 2012.
S. Conchon, elected member of the “Conseil scientifique de l'Université Paris-Sud” since June 2012.
C. Lelay, elected member of the “conseil du laboratoire” of LRI since November 2011.
C. Lelay, elected representative of the students at the Doctoral School in Computer Science at University Paris-Sud since November 2011.
C. Marché (since April 2007) and C. Paulin (since Sep. 2010), members of the program committee of Digiteo Labs, the world-class research park in Île-de-France region dedicated to information and communication science and technology, .
C. Marché and S. Boldo, members of the “jury de l'agrégation externe de mathématiques” as experts in computer science, since 2012.
G. Melquiond and C. Paulin, members of the “commission consultative de spécialistes de l'université”, Section 27, University Paris-Sud since April 2010.
G. Melquiond, elected officer of the IEEE-1788 standardization committee on interval arithmetic since 2008.
G. Melquiond is an examiner for the computer science entrance exam to École Normale Supérieure since 2010.
C. Paulin, head of the new Digicosme laboratory of excellence ( )
C. Paulin, director of the Doctoral school in Computer Science at University Paris-Sud , until August 2012. Now in charge of the assembly of directors of graduate schools at the Université Paris-Sud.
C. Paulin, member of the board of the “Commission Académique Consultative” of the Initiative d'Excellence Paris-Saclay.
C. Paulin, president of the Computer Science Department of the University Paris-Sud , since February 2012.
C. Paulin participated to the hiring committee for a senior lecturer position at in Logic of Programs at University of Göteborg in Sweden.
C. Paulin participated to two hiring commitees in France (professor positions at Paris-Sud University and CNAM)
J.-C. Filliâtre is correcteur au concours d'entrée à l'École Polytechnique (computer science examiner for the entrance exam at École Polytechnique) since 2008.
A. Paskevich is in charge (together with C. Bastoul) of Licence professionnelle PER (L3) at IUT d'Orsay, Paris-Sud University since September 2012.