Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) : “Proofs of Programs” (M2), C. Marché (12h), G. Melquiond (12h), Université Paris 7, France
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) : “Automated Deduction” (M2), S. Conchon (9h), É. Contejean (10h30), Université Paris 7, France
GDR Informatique-Mathématique school for young researchers: “Arithmétique des ordinateurs et preuves formelles” [35] , S. Boldo (2h), G. Melquiond (2h).
C. Paulin lecture notes on “Introduction to the Coq proof-assistant for practical software verification” at the LASER 2011 Summer School on Software Engineering have been published [37] .
École Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation (EJCP 2012): J.-C. Filliâtre ,“Vérification Déductive de Programmes avec Why3” (4h) [36] .
Licence (DUT): “Mathématiques” (L1), “Algo Langages” (L1), C. Lelay (64h, “moniteur” position), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay)
Licence (L2): “Mathématiques pour l'Informatique” , C. Paulin (40h), D. Cousineau (20h), Université Paris-Sud
Licence (L3): “Eléments de logique pour l’informatique”, C. Paulin (50h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Licence (L3): “Programmation fonctionnelle”, S. Conchon (25h), A. Tafat (50h), M. Iguernelala (50h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Licence (L3): “Projet de programmation”, S. Conchon (25h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master (M1): “Projet de compilation” A. Tafat (33h), M. Iguernelala (33h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master (M1): “Introduction à la compilation”, S. Conchon (50h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Licence: “Langages de programmation et compilation” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (36h), École Normale Supérieure, France
Licence (DUT): “Systèmes d'exploitation” (L1 and L2), “Réseaux” (L2), A. Paskevich (140h), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence professionnelle: “Programmation concurrente” (L3), A. Paskevich (36h), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence: “INF421” (L3) et “INF431” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (70h), École Polytechnique, France
Master (M1): “Compilation”, C. Dross, Université Paris-Sud (PolyTech)
Supervision of internships
J.-C. Filliâtre supervised the L3 internship of Rémy El Sibaïe on “Une bibliothèque OCaml pour la combinatoire” (May–June 2012) [85] .
J.-C. Filliâtre supervised the M1 internship of Levs Gondelmans on “A Simple Induction Tactic for the Why3 Platform” (April–August 2012).
C. Paulin supervised the M2 internship of Nicolas Lupinski on “formalisation and proofs of program transformations for automated parallelisation”.
Supervision of Theses
PhD: T. Nguyen, Taking architecture and compiler into account in formal proofs of numerical programs [12] , Université Paris-Sud, June 2012, S. Boldo, C. Marché
PhD in progress: M. Iguernelala, Forward and Backward Strategies in SMT solvers, since September 2009, S. Conchon, É. Contejean
PhD in progress: A. Tafat, Modular Verification of Pointer Programs, since September 2009, C. Marché
PhD in progress: P. Herms, Certification of a Tool Chain for Verification of C programs, since October 2009, C. Marché, B. Monate (CEA List). Defence scheduled on January 14th, 2013.
PhD in progress: C. Dross, Theories and Techniques for Automated Proof of programs, since January 2011, C. Marché, A. Paskevich, and industrial supervisors Y. Moy and J. Kanig from AdaCore company.
PhD in progress: A. Mebsout, SMT-based Model-Checking, since September 2011, F. Zaidi, S. Conchon
PhD in progress: C. Lelay, Real numbers for the Coq proof assistant, since October 2011, S. Boldo, G. Melquiond.
PhD in progress: S. Dumbrava, Towards data certification, since October 2012, V. Benzaken, É. Contejean
S. Boldo: PhD committee of Érik Martin-Dorel “Contributions to the Formal Verification of Arithmetic Algorithms” (ENS de Lyon, LIP laboratory, September 26th, 2012)
C. Marché: reviewer, PhD committee of Morayo Adedjouma “Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-Driven Framework” (University Paris-Sud, LISE laboratory of CEA-List, July 12th, 2012)
C. Marché: president of the PhD committee of Florian Noyrit “Conception Dirigée par les modèles à l'aide de langages de modélisation hétérogènes : application aux profil UML” (University Paris-Sud, LISE laboratory of CEA-List, October 25th, 2012)
C. Marché: president of the PhD committee of Takoua Ben Rhouma Aouina “Composition des modèles de lignes de produits logiciels” (University Paris-Sud, LISE laboratory of CEA-List, November 29th, 2012)
C. Marché: president of the PhD committee of Abderrahmane Feliachi “Semantics Based Testing for Circus” (University Paris-Sud, LRI laboratory, December 12th, 2012)
C. Marché: reviewer, Habilitation committee of Sylvie Putot “Static Analysis of Numerical Programs and Systems” (University Paris-Sud, MeASI laboratory of CEA-List and École Polytechnique, December 13th, 2012)
C. Paulin: reviewer, PhD committee of Thomas Braibant, “Algèbres de Kleene, Automates, Circuits, Preuve formelle, Réecriture” (Université de Grenoble, Inria Rhone-Alpes, February 17th, 2012)
C. Paulin: reviewer, PhD committee of Sylvain Héraud, “Vérification Semi-automatique de primitives cryptographiques” (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Inria Sophia Antipolis, March 12th, 2012)
C. Paulin: president of the PhD committee of Stéphane Glondu “Vers une certification de l’extraction de Coq”, (Université Paris Diderot, Laboratory PPS, June 1st, 2012)
C. Paulin: reviewer, Habilitation committee of David Pichardie “Toward a Verified Software Toolchain for Java” (Université de Rennes, IRISA, November 19, 2012)
C. Paulin: president of the PhD committee of Marc Lasson “Réalisabilité et Paramétricité dans les systèmes de type purs” (Université de Lyon, LIP Laboratory, November 20, 2012)
J.-C Filliâtre: reviewer, PhD committee of Barbara Vieira, “Formal Verification of Cryptographic Software Implementations” (Universitad do Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 25, 2012).
J.-C Filliâtre: Habilitation committee of Etienne Lozes, “Separation Logic: Expressiveness and Copyless Message-Passing” (ENS Cachan, July 3, 2012).
J.-C Filliâtre: reviewer, PhD committee of Cyril Cohen, “Formalized algebraic numbers: construction and first order theory” (École Polytechnique, November 20, 2012).
J.-C Filliâtre: reviewer, Habilitation committee of Frédéric Gava “BSP, bon à toutes les sauces” (Université Paris-est, December 10, 2012).