Section: Dissemination

Industrial Dissemination

  • J.-C. Filliâtre and C. Marché started in 2011 a collaboration with D. Mentré at Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe (Rennes), about the use of the Why3 environment and its back-end provers as an alternative to the built-in prover of Atelier B. This collaboration leaded first to a publication [29] and then become part of the new ANR project BWare.

  • Alt-Ergo is now used in the Spark Pro toolset, developed by Altran-Praxis, for the engineering of high-assurance software. Alt-Ergo can be used by customers as an alternate prover for automatically proving verification conditions. Its usage is described in the new edition of the Spark book (http://www.altranpraxis.com/book/ , Chapter “Advanced proof tools”)

  • In the context of the Hi-Lite project, the Adacore company (Paris) implements a new tool GnatProve which aims at formal verification of Ada programs. They translate annotated Ada code into the Why3 intermediate language and then use the Why3 system to generate proof obligations and discharge them with Alt-Ergo, or other available back-end provers. GnatProve is a prototype that aims at becoming the successor of Spark (http://www.open-do.org/2012/11/30/future-version-of-spark-will-be-based-on-ada-2012/ ).

  • S. Conchon, A. Mebsout and F. Zaidi (ForTesSe team, LRI) continued their collaboration with S. Krstic and A. Goel (Intel Strategic Cad Labs in Hillsboro, OR, USA) that aims in the development of the SMT-based model checker Cubicle (http://cubicle.lri.fr ).