Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participants : Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz.
The DeCert (Deduction and Certification) project has been funded by ANR from 2009 to 2012 within its “Domaines émergents” program. It was coordinated by the Celtique project team of Inria Rennes, the other partners are academic teams from Inria Saclay (Proval) and Inria Sophia Antipolis (Marelle) as well as the CEA and the Systerel company. In Nancy, the project also involves members of the Cassis team, in particular Alain Giorgetti and Christophe Ringeissen.
The objective of the project has been to study certified decision procedures, including the design of appropriate certificates, the development of new certifying decision procedures, their combination, their integration with skeptical proof assistants such as Coq or Isabelle, and their use in application domains such as software verification or static analysis. The main lines of research concern questions of expressiveness vs. efficiency, certificates vs. proof objects, and the integration of certificates into verification environments. Our work within the project is related to veriT (see section 5.1 ), its proof production, and its integration with verification environments such as Isabelle or the TLA+ proof environments (see section 5.2 ).
Inria Development Action VeriT
Participants : Pablo Federico Dobal, Pascal Fontaine.
Inria funds this project (started in 2011) for the future development of the SMT solver veriT (see section 5.1 ), including added expressiveness, improved efficiency and code stability, and interfaces with tools that embed veriT as a backend solver. The project is coordinated by Pascal Fontaine and also includes Inria Rennes (Celtique) and Sophia Antipolis (Marelle). Federico Dobal has been hired in 2012 on a position funded by this project and has in particular contributed to improvements in the code of the solver as well as of the testing platform that allows us to detect bugs and the impact of changes on the performance of the tool.