Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Pascal Fontaine co-chaired the program committee of PAAR 2012 and SMT 2012. He served on the program committee of PxTP 2012. He has been ex-officio member of the SMT Steering Committee starting September 2011 until August 2012, and he is now an elected member for two years starting September 2012.

  • Dominique Méry is

    • a member of the IFIP Working Group 1.3 on Foundations of System Specification,

    • head of the Doctoral School IAEM Lorraine for the University of Lorraine,

    • head of the Formal Methods department of the LORIA laboratory,

    • an expert for the French Ministry of Education (DS9),

    • an expert for the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and AERES.

    • the director of international affairs at ESIAL Nancy, and

    • the president of the APCB association.

    • He served on the program committees of DS-Event-B, FHIES, FM (co-chair), ICECCS, ICFEM, iFM, MEDI, and TASE.

  • The academic duties of Stephan Merz include:

    • member of the IFIP Working Group 2.2 on Formal Description of Programming Concepts,

    • nominated member of the Section 7 of the Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (until the summer of 2012),

    • Inria representative in the Scientific Directorate of the International Computer Science Meeting Center in Dagstuhl,

    • delegate for the organization of conferences at Inria Nancy Grand-Est,

    • co-head of the PhD committee for computer science in Lorraine (since December 2012),

    • program committees of ICFEM, iFM, SAC, SBMF, and SEFM conferences, AVoCS (co-chair), ATX, and TLA (co-chair) workshops, steering committee of AVoCS,

    • co-organizer of the VTSA summer school between Nancy, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, and Liège,

    • expert for the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), AERES, German DFG, European ERC, and Canadian NSERC.