
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 1M. W. Chekol.

    Static analysis of semantic web queries, Université de Grenoble, December 2012.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 2C. Vanoirbeek, V. Quint, S. Sire, C. Roisin.

    A Lightweight Framework for Authoring XML Multimedia Content on the Web, in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, June 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11042-012-1159-0 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 3M. W. Chekol, J. Euzenat, P. Genevès, N. Layaïda.

    SPARQL Query Containment under RDFS Entailment Regime, in: 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR), Manchester, United Kingdom, B. Gramlich, D. Miller, U. Sattler (editors), Springer, June 2012, p. 134-148.

  • 4M. W. Chekol, J. Euzenat, P. Genevès, N. Layaïda.

    SPARQL Query Containment Under SHI Axioms, in: 26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, AAAI Press, July 2012, p. 10-16.

  • 5P. Genevès, N. Layaïda, V. Quint.

    On the Analysis of Cascading Style Sheets, in: WWW '12 - 21st international conference on World Wide Web - 2012, Lyon, France, April 2012, p. 809-818. [ DOI : 10.1145/2187836.2187946 ]

  • 6M. Junedi, P. Genevès, N. Layaïda.

    XML Query-Update Independence Analysis Revisited, in: DocEng 2012, Paris, France, ACM, September 2012. [ DOI : 10.1145/2361354.2361375 ]

  • 7R. Oliveira, P. Genevès, N. Layaïda.

    Toward Automated Schema-directed Code Revision, in: DocEng 2012, Paris, France, ACM, September 2012. [ DOI : 10.1145/2361354.2361377 ]


Internal Reports

  • 8M. W. Chekol, J. Euzenat, P. Genevès, N. Layaïda.

    A Benchmark for Semantic Web Query Containment, Equivalence and Satisfiability, Inria, November 2012, no RR-8128, 10 p.

  • 9S. Gay, N. Gesbert, A. Ravara, V. Vasconcelos.

    Modular Session Types for Objects, Inria, May 2012, 60 p.

  • 10P. Genevès, N. Layaïda, A. Schmitt.

    Logical Combinators for Rich Type Systems, Inria, July 2012, no RR-8010, 18 p.

  • 11P. Genevès, N. Layaïda, C. Vanoirbeek.

    XQTC: A Static Type-Checker for XQuery Using Backward Type Inference, Inria, November 2012, no RR-8149, 25 p.
