Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Investissements d'avenir


  • Title: Community Learning through Adaptive and Interactive multichannel Resources for Education

  • Call: Technologies for e-education

  • Duration: March 2012 - February 2014

  • Coordinator: SimpleIT

  • Others partners: LIRIS

  • See also: http://www.projet-claire.fr/

  • Abstract: Project CLAIRE aims at developing an open-source tool for collaborative authoring in an e-learning environment (Learning Content Management System), targeting teachers and students in high-school and universities. Its innovative features include:

    • a platform for collaborative structured editing of rich media and semantic content, e.g.: tools for generating interactive evaluation tests

    • processes for continuous enhancement of content, e.g.: social annotation, behavior analysis, accessible multi-support publishing (web, PDF, ODT, LaTeX, smartphones, tablets).



  • Title: Efficiency, Dynamicity and Composition for XML: Models, Algorithms, and Systems

  • Call: Emerging Domains program (DEFIS)

  • Duration: March 2009 - June 2012

  • Coordinator: Inria Saclay-Île-de-France

  • Others partners: Inria Lille-Nord-Europe (MOSTRARE), University Paris Sud, Sorbonne - University Paris 7 (PPS), Centre universitaire de Blois (LI - Université F. Rabelais Tours), Innovimax SARL.

  • See also: http://codex.saclay.inria.fr/

  • Abstract: Codex seeks to push the frontier of XML technology innovation in three interconnected directions.

    • Languages and algorithms: prototypes are developed for efficient and expressive XML processing, in particular advancing towards massively distributed XML repositories.

    • Codex considers models for describing, controlling, and reacting to the dynamic behavior of XML corpora and XML schemas with time.

    • The project proposes theories, models and prototypes for composing XML programs for richer interactions, and XML schemas into rich, expressive, yet formally grounded type descriptions.


  • Title: Typeful certified XML: integrating language, logic, and data-oriented best practices

  • Call: Programme Blanc

  • Duration: January 2012 - December 2014

  • Coordinator: PPS (CNRS - Paris 7 Diderot)

  • Others partners: LRI (Orsay)

  • See also: http://typex.lri.fr

  • Abstract: The highly ambitious and final goal of this project is to produce a new generation of XML programming languages stemming from the synergy of integrating three approaches into a unique framework:

    • a logical approach based on solvers

    • a programming language approach

    • a data-oriented approach

Competitivity Clusters


  • Title: High-tech to serve people with disabilities

  • Call: Global competitiveness cluster Minalogic, 6th call for R&D projects

  • Duration: March 2010 - June 2012

  • Coordinator: ST Microelectronics

  • Others partners: ST-Ericsson, Raisonance, Grenoble University, IVèS

  • See also: http://autonomie.minalogic.net/

  • Abstract: The goal of the project is to develop high-tech tools to improve autonomy for people with disabilities. These tools are integrated in mobile devices such as cell phones or special-purpose devices, to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. These devices access remote dedicated services to help geolocation and guiding. They take advantage of the latest advances in embedded systems: cameras, audio, video, compass, accelerometer, gyroscope. Two major application areas are addressed: software tools on cell phones for sight disabled people, and guiding and information tools for moving around in a city.