Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Program: FP7

  • Project acronym: DREAM

  • Project title: Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well-characterised micro- and macro-structure and composition

  • Duration: 2009–2013

  • Coordinator: INRA - CEPIA department, Monique Axelos

  • Other partners: Technical Research Centre of Finland, Actilait France, ADRIA Développement France, CNRS, INRA Transfert, Société de Recherche et Développement Alimentaire Bongrain, Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft. Hungary, Central Food Research Institute Hungary, Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority Ireland, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari Italy, Top Institute Food and Nutrition The Netherlands, Wageningen University (WUR) The Netherlands, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Slovenia, Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology Spain, Campden BRI UK, Institute of Food Research UK, United Biscuits (UK) Limited.

  • Abstract:

    The overall goal of DREAM (Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well-characterised micro- and macro-structure and composition) is to develop realistic, physical and mathematical models to be used as standards that can be exploited across all major food categories to facilitate development of common approaches to risk assessment and nutritional quality for food research and industry.

    The partnership involves 18 partners from 9 european countries, among which two multinationals. The project is lead by INRA, CEPIA department, and Inria participation is managed by delegation by the ISC-PIF (CNRS-CREA, UMR 7656).

    See more at http://dream.aaeuropae.org/ .

    The role of AVIZ has been to develop evolutionary techniques adapted to the modeling of agrifood process. In 2012, the work was focussed on the development:

    • of robust evolutionary methods to learn the structure of Bayesian Networks when experimental data are rare (in collaboration with Alberto Tonda, Cédric Baudrit and Nathalie Perrot of INRA/GMPA and Pierre-Henri Wuillemin od LIP6/DESIR), applied to cheese making and biscuit baking process,

    • of a model of milk gel based on partial differential equations, where numerical parameters were learn by artificial evolution (in collaboration with Julie Foucquier, Sébastien Gaucel Alberto Tonda, and Nathalie Perrot of INRA/GMPA).

  • Program: Infrastructures

  • Project acronym: CENDARI

  • Project title: Collaborative EuropeaN Digital/Archival Infrastructure

  • Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2015

  • Coordinator: Trinity College, Dublin (IE),

  • Other partners: Freie Universitaet Berlin (DE), Matematicki Institut Sanu u Beogradu (Serbia), University of Birmingham (UK), King's College London (UK), Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Stiftung Oeffentlichen Rechts (DE), Narodni Knihovna Ceske Republiky (Czech Republic), Societa Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino-S.I.S.M.E.L. Associazione (IT), Fondazione Ezio Franceschini Onlus (IT), Ministerium fur Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Wurttemberg (DE), Consortium of European Research Libraries (UK), Koninklijke Bibliotheek (NL), UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CASSINO (IT).

  • Abstract:

    The Collaborative EuropeaN Digital Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI) will provide and facilitate access to existing archives and resources in Europe for the study of medieval and modern European history through the development of an ‘enquiry environment’. This environment will increase access to records of historic importance across the European Research Area, creating a powerful new platform for accessing and investigating historical data in a transnational fashion overcoming the national and institutional data silos that now exist. It will leverage the power of the European infrastructure for Digital Humanities (DARIAH) bringing these technical experts together with leading historians and existing research infrastructures (archives, libraries and individual digital projects) within a programme of technical research informed by cutting edge reflection on the impact of the digital age on scholarly practice.

    The enquiry environment that is at the heart of this proposal will create new ways to discover meaning, a methodology not just of scale but of kind. It will create tools and workspaces that allow researchers to engage with large data sets via federated multilingual searches across heterogeneous resources while defining workflows enabling the creation of personalized research environments, shared research and teaching spaces, and annotation trails, amongst other features. This will be facilitated by multilingual authority lists of named entities (people, places, events) that will harness user involvement to add intelligence to the system. Moreover, it will develop new visual paradigms for the exploration of patterns generated by the system, from knowledge transfer and dissemination, to language usage and shifts, to the advancement and diffusion of ideas.

    See more at http://cendari.eu/ and http://www.aviz.fr/Research/CENDARI .

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Fraunhofer Institute, IGD (DE)

  • We are collaborating on visual analytics, setting up European projects and coordinating European initiatives on the subject.

  • University of Dresden, (DE)

  • We have been collaborating with Raimund Dachselt on stackable tangible devices for faceted browsing  [71] , [70] .