Section: Application Domains
User Involvement in Silver Economy, Environment, Energy and E-governement
Below are some topics where AxIS was or is involved in:
Preprocessing and analysing collective usage data and social networks from group discussions related to design process: see ANR Intermed (2009) and FP7 Elliot where citizen generate ideas in terms of specific environmental sensors based services according to their needs.
Methods and tools for supporting open innovation based on open data: a first work was made in 2010 with the CDISOD Color action related Public Data in collaboration with Fing (Marseille) and ADEME (Sophia Antipolis). We pursue such a study in the context of FP7 Elliot by providing to citizen environmental data (air quality and noise) issued from citizen and/or territories sensors.
All AxIS topics are relevant for these domains. Let us cite: social network analysis, personalization and information retrieval, recommender systems, expert search, design and evaluation of methods and tools for open innovation and user co-creation in the context of Living Labs, usage mining, mining data streams.
We have addressed specific works:
Silver Economy - Health & Well Being: Axis contributed in 2010-2011 to a Living Lab characterisation in Health domain, study conducted by R. Picard (CGIET (CGIET: ”Conseil Général de l'Economie, de l'Industrie, de l'Energie et des Technologies”) via the participation of a working group (M. Pallot) and the visit of several European Living Labs, which operate in the domain of Health and Autonomy. B. Trousse as Inria representative of ICT usage lab involved in Health and Autonomy was also interviewed. This year Axis team managed the Green Services use case in the context of the achieved FP7 ELLIOT project involving pollution citizen sensors and in relation to health and Well being (targeted users with respiratory problems). interviews. This use case has been evaluated as "Good practice" by the international Design for All foundation (Awards 2014). Two ANR proposals involving France Living Labs and/or our living lab have been deposit with "Cité du Design" and University of Lorraine (cf. Sections 8.2.5 and 8.2.4 ). Let us note that France Living Labs is involved in the Silver Economy contract (cf. Section 8.2.6 ).
Energy: the main AxIS topic here was usage analysis in the context of an energy challenge in an enterprise (ECOFFICES) taking into account the complex and real situation (installation for more than 400 sensors, differences between the three concerned teams, differences between the offices). Such an analysis aims to correlate team/office energy consuming, team/office eco-responsible behaviours and team/office profile. In 2012, our team was involved in a second project ECOFAMILIES aiming to co-design with families user interfaces for energy monitoring.
E-government: The future Internet will bring a growing number of networked applications (services), devices and individual data (including private ones) to end-users. The important challenges are the organization of their access, and the guarantee of trust and privacy. The objectives of the PIMI (Personal Information Management through Internet) project (cf. section 8.2.1 ) are the definition of a design environment and a deployment platform for Personal Information Management system (PIM). The future PIM must provide the end-user personal data access with services that are relevant to his needs. In order to take mobility into account, the PIM will be accessed both by mobile devices (smart-phones) and Personal Computers. With the increasing number of services and associated data being accessible through Internet, the number and complexity of PIM will augment dramatically in the near future. This will require strong research investment in a number of topics, all contributing to the expected usability and accessibility of Individual Information Spaces for the end-user.