Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR PIMI (2010 - 2013)

Participants : Claudia Detraux, Dominique Scapin [correspondent] .

  • Title: PIMI

  • Type: ANR

  • Defi: Personal Information Space

  • Instrument: Verso 2010

  • Duration: 2010 - 2013

  • Coordinator: Genigraph

  • Others partners: LRI, IRIT, Institut Telecom, Montimage, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

  • Abstract: PIMI Project aims at the definition of a design environment and a deployment platform for Personal Information Management system (PIM). The future PIM must provide the end-user personal data access with services that are relevant to his needs. In order to take mobility into account, the PIM will be accessed both by mobile devices (smartphone) and personal computers.

The main contributions this year are described in Section 6.4.1 .

FIU FIORA (2012-2015)

Participants : Yves Lechevallier [correspondent] , Thierry Despeyroux.

  • Program: FIU (14th call)

  • Project acronym: FIORA

  • Project title: Moteur d'inférences pour la personnalisation

  • Duration: 2012-2015

  • Coordinator: Michel Manago (SME KIOLIS)

  • Other partners: Editions SOLAR, Mondeca, Inria (AxIS), ISEP, UNiversity of Paris XIII

  • Abstract: This project aims the design and the development of FIORA an engine offering personnalised content. Personalisation will be based on context parameters related to the user and available semantic information. The main result will be to develop an engine merging case-based reasoning technics, recommandation technics based on collaborative filtering and data mining. The proof concept will be experimented in two domains: a) Nutrition and b) tourism and Health (use of the cohort Nutrinet with more than 200 users) and b) e-tourism.

This project starts at the end of 2012. See our work in Section  6.2.9 .

LIMOS, University of Clermont-Ferrand

A collaboration has been initiated during 2013 with the LIMOS laboratory managed by Enjelbert Mephu Nguifo and Olivier Raynaud in the context of the supervision committee of Dia Diyé 's PhD thesis on the topics security/trust, usage mining and recommender systems. B. Trousse participated in two PhD Thesis meetings: September 27 (working meeting) and October 9th (annual PhD thesis supervision committee meeting).

Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab and ERPI - University of Lorraine Living

B. Trousse as President of France Living Labs and Inria representative of ICT Usage lab had various collaborations this year with the ERPI laboratory of the University of Lorraine:

  • Common Work with Laurent Dupont on a template describing a living Lab;

  • Workshop on Co-creation with Users at Innovative City Convention (Nice, June): Claudine Guidat and Laure Morel both Professors at ERPI lab gave a talk on the Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab;

  • Study of an interdisciplinary approach of the Accelerated Citizen Co-Creation in the context of Living Labs : from usage scenarios to 3D representations (including PhD thesis subjects).

Living Lab of Cité du Design - St Etienne

B. Trousse as President of France Living Labs had various collaborations this year with "Cité du Design"

  • Participation as supporting partner of the European project called IDeALL managed by Isabelle Verihlac from "the Cité du Design". Preparation of a presentation related to the French supporting partners as Living labs at the last meeting of the project (January 2014, Barcelona);

  • F2L Support of an ANR proposal related to silver economy called DECMA: this proposal is on "the design in the context of the day life of Alzheimer patients and help people" (leader Cité du design St Etienne) - "Sociétés innovantes, intégrantes et adaptatives. Axe : Innovations".

France Living Labs

URL: http://www.france-livinglabs.fr/

In 2013 our activities were multiple.

First ENoLL and France Living Labs signed a formal cooperation agreement (MoU - Memorandum of Understanding) on February 24th in order to have closer communication and cooperation in their activities and initiatives through meetings, exchanging of information, knowledge, experiences and best practice. See the video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJNXQ2VUtFU .

Secondly three working groups started:

  • Design & Living labs with more than 13 living labs (cf. our presentation at the last IDeALL project Slides )

  • Living Labs for Silver Economy and

  • Cartography and evaluation of living lab projects inside F2L members on two aspects (co-creation methods and territory role).

Thirdly France Living Labs supported two proposal submissions of the 2013 ANR Call: one with University of Lorraine and "Cité du Design" and another proposal with "Cité du design".

Finally some F2L members were involved various working groups in order to make proposals for the contract "Economy Silver". This contract was signed on December 12th and France Living Labs is mentioned at the page 86 as a key actor for the action 6.2 (Support to the development of living labs in Silver Economy both a t the national and international levels). See the contract here