Section: New Results


Our new results are split into our three sub-objectives as described in Section  3.1 :

  • Sub-Objective 1: Mining for Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems:

    This year we obtained ten main results (cf. Section  6.2 ): five on Clustering methods, four on how to apply these clustering methods on real data and finally one related to the use of ontology for Multi-View KDD process.

    Let us note that two 2011 results have been published this year as book chapters [34] , [31] .

    Chongsheng Zhang published also his work conducted during his Explore programm at UCLA (USA) when, as AxIS PhD student, he was visiting the WIS team of Prof. Carlo Zaniolo at UCLA in 2010 [26] .

  • Sub-Objective 2: Information and Social Networks Mining for Supporting Information Retrieval:

    This year, we pursued our two main works on this topic (cf. Section  6.3 ):

    • the detection of communities in a social network (detection of graphs extracted from relational data) (cf. Section  6.3.1 ),

    • the multi view clustering of relational data (cf. SEction  6.3.2 ).

  • Sub-Objective 3: Interdisciplinary Research For Supporting User Oriented Innovation:

    With the expansion of the innovation community beyond the firm's boundaries (the so-called "open innovation") a lot of changes have been introduced in design and evaluation processes: the users can become co-designers, HCI design and evaluation focus is no longer placed on usability only but also on the whole user experience [70][11] , experimentations take place out of labs with large numbers of heterogeneous people instead of carefully controlled panels of users etc.

    All these deep changes required improvements of existing practices, methods and tools for the design/evaluation of information systems as well as for usage analysis. This evolution called also for a structured user-centred methodology (methods and ICT tools) to deal with open innovation. Various different disciplines and trends are dedicated in understanding user behaviour on Internet and with Digital Technologies, notably Human Computer Interaction community (HCI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Workplace Studies, Service Design, Distributed Cognition and Data Mining.

    Our contribution to open innovation research related to ICT-based services or products keeps its focus on usage analysis and user experience measurement for design, evaluation and maintenance of information systems and our activities from 2011 have been conducted both breadth wise and in depth with two main objectives :

    • Improving design and evaluation support tools and methods for user driven driven innovation,

    • Development of the FocusLab platform

    This year, our research was conducted along three focus:

    • Extension of usability methods and models (cf. Section  6.4 ). First we pursued our work on User Evaluation and Tailoring of Personal Information in the context of the ANR project PIMI. Second a paper related to our strategy and heuristics for rural tourist web sites benchmarking elaborated in the context of the Pacalabs project HOTEL-REF-PACA is written for submission in 2014;

    • Designing and evaluating user experience in the context of a living lab: this year five results came from ELLIOT project (cf. Section  6.5 ) such as an environmental data platform based on citizen sensing, low-cost sensor, user experience measurement, user behaviour change analysis, studies of persuasive technologies and gamification in Energy economy and green services.

    • FocusLab Platform (cf. Section  6.6 ).