Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Our research work finds also its expression in a strong commitment in pedagogical activities at the University Lille 1. For several years, members of the project have been playing a leading role in the development and the promotion of bioinformatics (more than 400 teaching hours per year). We are involved in several graduate diplomas (research master degree) in computer science and biology (master biologie-santé, master génomique et protéomique, master biologie-biotechnologie) in an Engineering School (Polytech'Lille), as well as in permanent education (for researchers, engineers and technicians).

  • M. Pupin, M. Salson, Introduction to programming (OCaml), 96h, L1 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Salson, Coding and information theory, 36h, L2 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • J.-S. Varré Programming with Caml, 55h, L2 (licence “Sciences for Engineers”, univ. Lille 1)

  • J.-S. Varré Algorithms and Data structures, 50h, L2 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • L. Noé, Networks, 36h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • L. Noé, System, 36h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Pupin, Databases, 36h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Pupin, Professional project, 18h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Salson, C programming, 42h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • S. Janot, Introduction to programming, 50h, first year of engineering school (L3) (Polytech'Lille, univ. Lille1)

  • S. Janot, Introduction to databases, 30h, first year of engineering school (L3) (Polytech'Lille, univ. Lille1)

  • L. Noé, Bioinformatics, 54h, M1 (master “Génomique Protéomique”, univ. Lille 1)

  • L. Noé, Individual project, organiser, M1 (master “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Pupin, Introduction to programming (JAVA), 30h, M1 (master “Mathématiques et finance”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Salson, J.-S. Varré, Bioinformatics, 100h, M1 (master “Biology and Biotechnologies”, univ. Lille 1)

  • S. Blanquart, Algorithms and applications in bioinformatics, 24h, M1 (master “Computer Science”, univ. Lille 1)

  • S. Janot, Databases, 12h, second year of engineering school (M1) (Polytech'Lille, univ. Lille1)

  • S. Janot, Introduction to artificial intelligence, 25h, second year of engineering school (M1) (Polytech'Lille, univ. Lille1)

  • M. Pupin, J.-S. Varré Computational biology, 30h, M2 (master “Modèles complexes, algorithmes et données”, univ. Lille 1)

  • M. Pupin, Practical bioinformatics, 35h, M2 (master “Génomique Protéomique”, univ. Lille 1)

  • S. Blanquart, Methods in phylogenetics, 4h, M2 (master “Ecology Environment”, univ. Lille 1)

  • J.-S. Varré, ISN - Computer science for secondary school, 30h, second-level teachers.


  • HDR: Maude Pupin, Modèles bio-informatiques pour les peptides non-ribosomiques et leurs synthétases. Defense in December 2013 [2] .

  • PhD : Evguenia Kopylova, New algorithmic and bioinformatic approaches for the analysis of data from next-generation sequencing, Université Lille 1, co-directed by H. Touzet and L. Noé. Thesis defended in December 2013 [1] .

  • PhD in progress : Christophe Vroland, microRNA repertoire and target evolution: developing efficient indexing techniques and comparison between close plant species, Université Lille 1, co-directed by H. Touzet, M. Salson from Bonsai and V. Castric (“Genetics and evolution in plants” laboratory).

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Péricard, high-throughput sequencing : taxonomic assignation of meta-omic sample reads, Université Lille 1, co-directed by H. Touzet and S. Blanquart.

  • PhD in progress : Yoann Dufresne, Models and algorithms to analyse and predict non-ribosomal peptides, Université Lille 1, co-directed by M. Pupin and L. Noé.


  • Member of the thesis committee of Natalia Golenetskaya (Université Bordeaux 1, J.-S. Varré)

  • Member of the habilitation committee of F. Jossinet (Université de Strasbourg, H. Touzet) and C. Lhoussaine (Université Lille 1, H. Touzet)

Administrative activities

  • National representative (chargée de mission) for the Institute for Computer Sciences (INS2I) in CNRS (CNRS: National Center for Scientific Research). She is more specifically in charge of relationships between the Institute and life sciences (H. Touzet)

  • Member of the Inria evalution commitee (M. Giraud)

  • Member of the Inria local committee for scientific grants (H. Touzet)

  • Member of the Gilles Kahn PhD award commitee (H. Touzet)

  • Member of ITMO Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics of AVIESAN (H. Touzet)

  • Member of CSS MBIA (mathematics, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence) at INRA (H. Touzet)

  • Member of the executive council of the IFB (Institut Français de Bioinformatique)

  • Head of PPF bioinformatics – University Lille 1 (H. Touzet)

  • Head of Bilille, Lille bioinformatics platform (M. Pupin)

  • Head of IFB-NE (pôle Nord-Est de l'Institut Français de Bioinformatique), a cluster of 4 bioinformatics platforms (M. Pupin)

  • Member of UFR IEEA council (M. Pupin)

  • Head of the GIS department (Statistics and Computer Sciences) of Polytech'Lille (S. Janot)

  • Member of the LIFL Laboratory council (L. Noé, H. Touzet)