
Compsys is an EPC (équipe-projet commune), i.e., a research project-team that is common to several institutions: Inria, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS-Lyon), CNRS, and Université Claude Bernard of Lyon (UCB-Lyon). It is located at Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon and exists since January 2002 as part of the computer science laboratory (Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme, Lip, UMR CNRS ENS-Lyon UCB-Lyon Inria 5668) and as an Inria pre-project. It became a full Inria project in January 2004. It has been evaluated by Inria in Spring 2007 and extended 4 more years. It has been evaluated by AERES in December 2010 and received the mark A+. It has been evaluated positively again by Inria in Spring 2012 and extended 4 more years. Thus, it should end around 2016.

The goal of Compsys is to develop compilation techniques, more precisely code analysis and code optimization techniques, for programming or designing embedded computing systems. So far, Compsys focused on both low-level (back-end) optimizations for embedded processors and high-level (front-end, mainly source-to-source) transformations, in particular for high-level synthesis of hardware accelerators. Recent activities also include a shift towards dynamic compilation, compilation for GPUs and multicores, and the analysis of parallel languages. The main characteristic of Compsys is its focus on combinatorial optimization problems (graph algorithms, linear programming, polyhedral optimizations) coming from code optimization problems (register allocation, memory optimization, scheduling, automatic generation of interfaces, etc.) and the validation of these techniques in the development of compilation tools.

Creation of the Project-Team: 2004 January 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Christophe Alias [Inria, Researcher]

Alain Darte [Team leader, CNRS, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Fabrice Rastello [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Faculty Members

Paul Feautrier [ENS-Lyon, Professor, Emeritus, HdR]

Laure Gonnord [Univ. Lyon I, Associate Professor, since Sep. 2013 (formerly in Lille University)]


Florent Bouchez [Inria, ManycoreLabs funding, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, from May 2013 to Aug. 2013]

Alexandros Lamprineas [Inria, ManycoreLabs funding, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, from Sep. 2013]

PhD Students

François Gindraud [ENS-Lyon grant, from Jan. 2013]

Guillaume Iooss [ENS-Lyon grant, from Sep. 2011]

Alexandre Isoard [ENS-Lyon grant, from Sep. 2012]

Diogo Nunes Sampaio [Brazilian CAPES grant, from Oct. 2013]

Duco Van Amstel [Kalray Cifre grant, from Jan. 2013]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Lukasz Domagala [Inria, ManycoreLabs funding, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, from Jan. 2013]

External Collaborators

Adrian Muresan [ENS-Lyon, Zettice funding from Jan. 2013 to Mar. 2013]

Alexandru Plesco [Zettice, Inria funding until Apr. 2013]

Visiting Scientist

Raphael Ernani Rodrigues [Univ. Lyon I, Internship, from May 2013 to Jul. 2013]

Administrative Assistants

Laetitia Lecot-Gauthé [Inria]

Maria Immaculada Presseguer [Inria]