
Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

For 2013, from the point of view of organization, funding, collaborations, the main points to highlight are:

  • The Zettice startup project, initiated by Alexandru Plesco and Christophe Alias, won the concours OSEO 2013 grant (Banque Publique d'Investissement, 40 Keuros) and the “most promising start-up award” at SAME 2013. See more details in Section  7.3 .

  • Laure Gonnord was hired as assistant professor at ENS-Lyon, she is now a permanent member of Compsys. Fabrice Rastello has left Compsys and will continue his research in Grenoble.

  • The collaborations with Colorado State University (S. Rajopadhye) and Ohio State University (Sadayappan) were very successful. New topics of collaboration with the Inria Parkas and Camus teams have started.

  • From April 2013 to July 2013, Compsys organized 4 scientific events on compilation, regrouped in a larger and coherent thematic quarter on compilation  (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr ), with international audience and visibility. It was mainly funded by the Labex MILYON, see details in Section  9.1 .

From a scientific point of view, the shift, in Compsys III, towards the analysis of parallel programs, the extensions of the polyhedral model, both in terms of techniques and applications, and the code optimizations based on trace analysis has been already fruitful, see the section “New Results”, in particular:

  • Innovative contributions on parametric tiling [8] , [5] as extensions of the polyhedral model.

  • A groundbreaking introduction of polyhedral techniques for the analysis of parallel programs, in particular X10 [10] , [7] .

  • Several important contributions (e.g., [2] ) that demonstrate the interest of mixing trace analysis and static analysis for code (in particular locality) improvements.