Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Christophe Alias and Laure Gonnord initiated with the DART/Emeraude team at LIFL Laboratory (University of Lille) a CNRS PEPS (“Projets Exploratoire Premier Soutien”) called “HLS and real time” (8 Keuros/year, during two years in 2011-2013). The goal of this project is to investigate how to introduce real-time constraints in the high-level synthesis workflow.
Fabrice Rastello is part of an Inria Large Scale Initiative (AEN: action d'envergure nationale) called MULTICORE, which regroups researchers from seven teams: Camus, Regal, Alf, Runtime, Algorille, Dali, and thus Compsys on “Large scale multicore virtualization for performance scaling and portability”. One of the goals of this project is to enable loop transformations by combining dynamic and static analysis/compilation techniques.
French Compiler Community
The french compiler community is now well identified and is visible through its web-page . The “journées françaises de la compilation” were initiated in 2010 and are still animated by Fabrice Rastello and Laure Gonnord as a biannual event. Their local organization is handled alternately by the different research teams: Lyon (by Compsys) in Summer 2010, Aussois in Winter 2010, Dinard in Spring 2011, St Hippolyte in Autumn 2011, Rennes in Summer 2012, Annecy (by Compsys again) in Spring 2013, Dammarie-les-lys in December 2013.