
Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • Compsys and, in particular Fabrice Rastello, has a regular collaboration with P. Sadayappan from Ohio State University (USA). This year, this collaboration led to several results, see Sections  6.2 , 6.4 , 6.5 , and  6.6 .

  • Fabrice Rastello and Laure Gonnord have a regular collaboration with Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira from the University of Mineas Gerais (Brazil). This year, this collaboration led to several results, see Sections  6.1 and  6.3 . Compsys also hosted Raphael Ernani Rodrigues, from the group of F. Pereira, who made part of his master in Lyon supervised by Laure Gonnord and Christophe Alias.

  • Compsys and, in particular Christophe Alias, has a regular collaboration with S. Rajopadhye from Colorado State University (CSU). Guillaume Iooss is preparing a PhD through a PhD convention between Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon and Colorado State University, co-advised by Christophe Alias and Sanjay Rajopadhye. In 2013, Guillaume Iooss spent part of the summer at CSU, joined by Christophe Alias for a week. Paul Feautrier and Fabrice Rastello also made regular visits at Colorado State University in the previous years. This year, this collaboration led to several results, see Sections  6.10 , 6.11 , and  6.13 .