Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Laure Gonnord, Algorithmique et programmation C (60h), L3, Université de Lille 1, Polytech'Lille.
Laure Gonnord, Architecture des ordinateurs (25h), L3, Université de Lille 1, Polytech'Lille.
Laure Gonnord, Algorithmique et programmation fonctionnelle et récursive (42h), L1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Guillaume Iooss, LIF3: algorithmique et programmation fonctionnelle et récursive (28h), L1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Christophe Alias, Architecture des ordinateurs (21h TP), Université Lyon 1.
Christophe Alias, Correction de copies, concours E3A, épreuve informatique MPSI.
Alexandre Isoard, LIF12: Système et Réseau (32h TP), L3, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Laure Gonnord, Compilation (24h), M1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Laure Gonnord, Introduction aux systèmes et réseaux (52h), M2 Pro, Université Lyon 1.
Christophe Alias, Compilation avancée (8h CM), M2, ENS-Lyon.
Fabrice Rastello, Compilation avancée (6h CM), M2, ENS-Lyon.
Fabrice Rastello, SSA-based compiler design (2 days), CRI Cameroun.
Laure Gonnord also organized, for the Computer Science Department of ENS Lyon, a research school for Master students, on synchronous programming. The program can be found at the url: .
PhD in progress: Guillaume Iooss, “Semantic Tiling”, started on September 2011, advisors: Christophe Alias and Sanjay Rajopadhye (Associate Professor, Colorado State University).
PhD in progress: François Gindraud, started on January 2013, advisors Fabrice Rastello, Albert Cohen (Parkas Inria team)
PhD in progress: Duco Van Amstel, started on January 2013, advisors Fabrice Rastello, Benoit Dupont-de-Dinechin (Kalray)
PhD in progress: Diogo Nunes Sampaio, started on October 2013, advisor Fabrice Rastello
PhD in progress: Alexandre Isoard, started in September 2012, advisor Alain Darte
Laure Gonnord participated to the Jury of Clement Guy's PhD defense (in Rennes) entitled “Facilités de typage pour l'ingénierie des Langages”. This PhD was supervised by J.M. Jézéquiel (Professor, Rennes University), and B. Combemale (Assistant Professor, Rennes University) and S. Derrien (Professor, Rennes university).
Christophe Alias participated to the Jury of Antoine Morvan's PhD defense (in Rennes) entitled “Utilisation du modèle polyédrique pour la synthèse d'architectures pipelinées”. This PhD thesis was supervised by S. Derrien (Professor, Rennes University), and P. Quinton (Professor, Rennes University).
Fabrice Rastello participated to the jury of Alexandre Carbon's PhD defense, entitled “Accélération matérielle de la compilation à la volée pour les systèmes embarqués”.
Paul Feautrier was a reviewer for the HDR of Stephane Mancini (Grenoble) and for the PhD of Amira Mensi (Paris).
Alain Darte was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Cupertino Miranda (Paris 11), entitled “Erbium: Reconciling languages, runtimes, compilation and optimizations for streaming applications” and supervised by Albert Cohen (DR Inria, Parkas team).