Section: Research Program
The embedded system design community is facing two challenges:
The complexity of embedded applications is increasing at a rapid rate.
The needed increase in processing power is no longer obtained by increases in the clock frequency, but by increased parallelism.
While, in the past, each type of embedded application was implemented in a separate appliance, the present tendency is toward a universal hand-held object, which must serve as a cell-phone, as a personal digital assistant, as a game console, as a camera, as a Web access point, and much more. One may say that embedded applications are of the same level of complexity as those running on a PC, but they must use a more constrained platform in terms of processing power, memory size, and energy consumption. Furthermore, most of them depend on international standards (e.g., in the field of radio digital communication), which are evolving rapidly. Lastly, since ease of use is at a premium for portable devices, these applications must be integrated seamlessly to a degree that is unheard of in standard computers.
All of this dictates that modern embedded systems retain some form of programmability. For increased designer productivity and reduced time-to-market, programming must be done in some high-level language, with appropriate tools for compilation, run-time support, and debugging. This does not mean that all embedded systems (or all of an embedded system) must be processor based. Another solution is the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), which may be programmed at a much finer grain than a processor, although the process of FPGA “programming” is less well understood than software generation. Processors are better than application-specific circuits at handling complicated control and unexpected events. On the other hand, FPGAs may be tailored to just meet the needs of their application, resulting in better energy and silicon area usage. It is expected that most embedded systems will use a combination of general-purpose processors, specific processors like DSPs, and FPGA accelerators. Such a combination is already present in recent versions of the Atom Intel processor.
As a consequence, parallel programming, which has long been confined to the high-performance community, must become the common place rather than the exception. In the same way that sequential programming moved from assembly code to high-level languages at the price of a slight loss in performance, parallel programming must move from low-level tools, like OpenMP or even MPI, to higher-level programming environments. While fully-automatic parallelization is a Holy Grail that will probably never be reached in our lifetimes, it will remain as a component in a comprehensive environment, including general-purpose parallel programming languages, domain-specific parallelizers, parallel libraries and run-time systems, back-end compilation, dynamic parallelization. The landscape of embedded systems is indeed very diverse and many design flows and code optimization techniques must be considered. For example, embedded processors (micro-controllers, DSP, VLIW) require powerful back-end optimizations that can take into account hardware specificities, such as special instructions and particular organizations of registers and memories. FPGA and hardware accelerators, to be used as small components in a larger embedded platform, require “hardware compilation”, i.e., design flows and code generation mechanisms to generate non-programmable circuits. For the design of a complete system-on-chip platform, architecture models, simulators, debuggers are required. The same is true for multi-cores of any kind, GPGPU (“general-purpose” graphical processing units), CGRA (coarse-grain reconfigurable architectures), which require specific methodologies and optimizations, although all these techniques converge or have connections. In other words, embedded systems need all usual aspects of the process that transforms some specification down to an executable, software or hardware. In this wide range of topics, Compsys concentrates on the code optimizations aspects in this transformation chain, restricting to compilation (transforming a program to a program) for embedded processors and to high-level synthesis (transforming a program into a circuit description) for FPGAs.
Actually, it is not a surprise to see compilation and high-level synthesis getting closer. Now that high-level synthesis has grown up sufficiently to be able to rely on place-and-route tools, or even to synthesize C-like languages, standard techniques for back-end code generation (register allocation, instruction selection, instruction scheduling, software pipelining) are used in HLS tools. At the higher level, programming languages for programmable parallel platforms share many aspects with high-level specification languages for HLS, for example, the description and manipulations of nested loops, or the model of computation/communication (e.g., Kahn process networks). In all aspects, the frontier between software and hardware is vanishing. For example, in terms of architecture, customized processors (with processor extension as proposed by Tensilica) share features with both general-purpose processors and hardware accelerators. FPGAs are both hardware and software as they are fed with “programs” representing their hardware configurations. In other words, this convergence in code optimizations explains why Compsys studies both program compilation and high-level synthesis. Besides, Compsys has a tradition of building free software tools for linear programming and optimization in general, and will continue it, as needed for our current research.
The next two sections give an overview of the main directions that were explored by Compsys II and partially extended in 2013 in Compsys III: back-end code optimizations for embedded processors (including aggressive and just-in-time compilation) and high-level program analysis and transformations, primarily for high-level synthesis. For Compsys III, the shifts towards dynamic compilation on one hand and more advanced polyhedral techniques for program analysis and optimization on the other hand are not detailed here but appear clearly in the section “New Results”. Indeed, the first axis (dynamic compilation and trace analysis) will not be pursued in 2014, due to the departure of Fabrice Rastello, it will thus be described in his activity report for 2014. The second axis (polyhedral extensions and high-level program analysis) will be detailed more deeply in 2014. But, it is already not limited to high-level synthesis as can be seen from the different contributions on X10, OpenStream, parametric tiling, etc.