Section: Software and Platforms
Participants : Cédric Bastoul [professor, Strasbourg University and Inria/CAMUS] , Paul Feautrier.
Paul Feautrier is the main developer of Pip (Parametric Integer Programming) since its inception in 1988. Basically, Pip is an “all integer” implementation of the Simplex, augmented for solving integer programming problems (the Gomory cuts method), which also accepts parameters in the non-homogeneous term. Pip is freely available under the GPL at . It is widely used in the automatic parallelization community for testing dependences, scheduling, several kind of optimizations, code generation, and others. Beside being used in several parallelizing compilers, Pip has found applications in some unconnected domains, as for instance in the search for optimal polynomial approximations of elementary functions (see the Inria project Arénaire).