DISCO - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Catherine Bonnet is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee 2.5 on Robust Control and of the IFAC Technical Committee 2.6 on Distributed Parameter Systems. She is also in the boards of the association Femmes et Mathématiques and of the consortium Cap'Maths. She has been the co-chair of the NOC and a member of IPC of the first IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equations, Paris September 2013 and has co-organized the workshop Modeling and Analysis of Cancer Cells Dynamics, Paris June 2013 (ISSSMA 2013). She is a member of the organizing committee of the Colloque en l'honneur d'Abdelhad El Jai to be held 29-30 May 2014 in Ifrane, Marocco. She is a co-Editor of the book “Low Complexity Controllers for Time-Delay Systems” of the Springer Series Advances in Dynamics and Delays. She is co-organizer of the “Séminaire du Plateau de Saclay”. She has co-organized with K. Morris (Univ of Waterloo) the session Analysis and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems at the SIAM CT13 Conference.

  • Frédéric Mazenc was Associate Editor for the conferences 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, USA. and 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, (2013). He is member of the Mathematical Control and Related Fields editorial board, member of the European Journal of Control editorial board and Associate Editor for the Asian Journal of control. He was member of the national organizing committee of 1st IFAC Worshop on Control of Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equation, Paris 2013. He was member of the international program committee of the 2014 European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France, the 2013 IFAC Nolcos, Toulouse, France and the 5th IFAC International Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, Caen, France, 2013. He is evaluator for the National Agency for the Italian Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). He is evaluator for Partnershio Programme - Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA of the Roumanian National Council for Development and Innovation. He was invited to the seminar of the Laboratoire d'Automatique, Ecole polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (13/03/2013 - 21/03/2013). He was invited to the seminar of the LAGEP, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 in December 2013 (17/12/2013 - 20/12/2013).

  • Alban Quadrat is an Associate Editor of the journal “Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing”, Springer. With Eva Zerz, he organized a special issue “Symbolic Methods in Multidimensional Systems Theory” for this journal (to appear in 2014). With Georg Regensburger, he organized an invited session “Algebraic and symbolic methods in mathematical systems theory” at the 5th Symposium on System Structure and Control (Grenoble, 4-6/02/2013). With Eva Zerz, he organized an invited session “Algebraic and behavioural approaches to multidimensional system theory” at the 8th International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems (nDS13), Erlangen, Germany (9-11/09/13). Moreover, they have also proposed two invited sessions “Algebraic methods and symbolic-numeric computation in systems theory” at the forthcoming 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Groningen, the Netherlands (7-11/07/14). With Mohamed Barakat and Thierry Coquand, he organized a mini-workshop “Constructive homological algebra with applications to coherent sheaves and control theory” at Oberwolfach (12-18/5/2013). He was an International Programm Commitee member of the 8th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS13), Erlangen (Germany) (9-11/09/13), and a National Organizing Commitee member of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Control Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equations, IHP, Paris (France) (25-27/09/13). Finally, with Hugues Mounier (University of Orsay, L2S) and Sette Diop (CNRS, L2S), he organizes a seminar on algebraic systems theory at L2S (http://pages.saclay.inria.fr/alban.quadrat/Seminar.html ).

  • Alban Quadrat was a plenary speaker at the 5th International Workshop on Differential Algebra and Related Topics (DART V), Lille, France (24-26/06/13) and a semi-plenary speaker at the Colombian Congress of Mathematics, Barranquilla, Colombia (15-19/07/13). He was invited to give a talk at the University of Versailles (23/04/13), at the Centre Automatique et Systèmes (CAS), Mines ParisTech (20/06/13), at the Institute of Cybernetics of the University of Tallinn, Estonia (01/10/13), and at the Tampere University of Technology, Finland (24/10/13). Finally, he participated to the workshop Geometry and algebra of linear matrix inequalities, CIRM, Luminy (12-16/11/13).