DISCO - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Le Ha Vy Nguyen, Applied Informatics in Physics, 16h, L2, Paris-Sud University

  • Licence : Le Ha Vy Nguyen, Signals and Systems, 28h, L3, Paris-Sud University

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Numerical Methods and Optimization, 24h, L2, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Sorin Olaru, Hybrid Dynamical Systems, 18h, L3, SUPELEC, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Sandou, Signals and Systems, 87h, L3, Supélec

  • Licence : Guillaume Sandou, Mathematics and programming, 18h, L3, Supélec

  • Master : Le Ha Vy Nguyen, Information Processing and Source Coding, 12h, M1, Paris-Sud University

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Automatic Control, 8h, M1, Supélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Numerical methods and optimization, 28h, M1 and M2, Supélec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Modelling and system stability analysis, 21h, M2, Suplec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Control of energy systems, 22h, M2, Suplec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Robust control and mu-analysis, 9h, M2, Suplec

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Systems identification, 32h, M2, ENSTA

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Embedded Systems, 18h, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Automatic control, 23h, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, System Analysis, 22h, M2, Ecole des Mines de Nantes

  • Master : Guillaume Sandou, Multivariable control, 12h, M2, Evry University


  • PhD in progress José Luis Avila Alonso, Mathematical Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, December 31st 2011. University Paris-Sud, STITS. Supervisor : Catherine Bonnet. Co-supervisors : Jean Clairambault and Silviu Iulian Niculescu.

  • PhD in progress: Thach Ngoc Dinh, Interval Observers and Delay Systems, December 2011. University Paris-Sud STITS. Supervisor: Frédéric Mazenc. Co-Supervisor: Silviu Iulian Niculescu, Silvère Bonnabel.

  • PhD in progress Le Ha Vy Nguyen, H Stability and control of fractional delay systems, September 15th 2011. University Paris-Sud, STITS. Supervisor: Catherine Bonnet.

  • PhD in progress Nikola Stankovic, Set-based control methods for systems affected by time-varying delay, September 30th 2010, University Paris-Sud, STITS. Defense: 20 November 2013. Supervisor: Sorin Olaru Co-Supervisor: Silviu Iulian Niculescu


Catherine Bonnet was an examiner member and President of the jury of the PhD Thesis of Hao Lu entitled ”Approximation and Applications of Distributed Delays”, INSA Lyon, 1st October 2013; and an examiner member of the jury of the PhD Thesis of Julien Chaudenson entitled ”Analyse de robustesse par contraintes intégrales quadratiques, application aux lanceurs spatiaux”, Supélec, 4 December 2013.

She was a member of the Recruiting Committee of the Chargé de Recherche de 2ème classe competition of Inria Saclay-Ile-de-France and in the Recruiting Committee of the Maître de Conférences competition at University Paris-Sud.

Alban Quadrat was the opponent of the PhD thesis “Robust Regulation for Infinite-Dimensional Systems and Signals in Frequency Domain” by Petteri Laakkonen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland (25/11/13), and the reviewer of the PhD thesis “Ring and Module Theoretic Properties of σ- PBW Extensions” by Milton Reyes Armando Villamil, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia (23/07/13).